Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/147

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SALTZMANN history. In 1832 ho went to Rome and thence to Parma, where also he was elected a member of the Academy. He returned to London in 1833 and was long a promi- nent member and for some time vice-presi- dent of the Society of British Artists. Works : Banquet by the Duke of Welling- ton to the Veterans of Waterloo (1833), G. Mackenzie ; Jephthah's Vow ; Interview of Charles I. with his Children (1863) ; Queen Elizabeth reproving Dean Noel (18G5); Des- demona and Othello before the Senate (1869); Last Sacrament (1874). SALTZMANN, KARL; contemporary. Marine painter, pupil in Berlin of Eschke, made the trip around the world in the suite of Prince Henry of Prussia. Works : Dawn by the Sea (1874) ; Entrance into Harbour of Colberg ; Harbour of Valparaiso (1882) ; Saved (1884). SALUT AUX BLESSES. See Wounded, Saluting. SALVAEESIO, FABRICIO, portrait, Ti- tian, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 8 in. X 2 ft. 8 in. ; signed. A man embrowned by travel ; to the right, a negro boy looking up holding a bunch of flowers. Painted in 1558 ; belonged to Archduke Leopold Wil- helm. Print in Teniers' Gallery omits ne- gro boy. Much impaired by retouching. C. & C., Titian, ii. 267. SALVI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. See Sassoferrato. SALVIATI, CECCHINO DEL, born in Florence in 1510, died in Rome, Nov. 11, 1563. Floren- tine school ; real name Francesco de' Rossi, son of Michelangelo d e ' Rossi, a velvet weaver. Pupil of Giuliano Bugiar- d i n i, afterwards of Bandinelli and of Andrea del Sarto (1529), with whom Vasari was at the same time working. Went to Rome under patronage of Cardinal Salviati, from whom he took the name by which he is commonly known. He painted in Venice, Florence, Verona, and other cities, and in 1544 went to France, where he was employed by Cardinal de Lorraine in decorating the Chateau de Dampierre ; but having made enemies through his quarrelsome disposi- tion, lie returned to Italy, after an absence of twenty months. Salviati was a better designer than colourist. Examples of his work are : Charity, Christ bearing his Cross, Uffizi ; Patience, Palazzo Pitti ; Archangel Michael, Vatican ; Incredulity of St. Thomat, Louvre ; St. John Baptist in the Desert, Love and Psyche, Berlin Museum ; Charity, National Gallery, London. Ch. Blanc, ! Kcole florentine ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xii. 47 ; ed. Mil., vii. 5 ; Burckhardt, 188, 756. SALVIATI, GIUSEPPE. See Porta, Giu- seppe. SALZER, FRIEDRICH, born at Heil-

bronn, June 1, 1827, died there, May 4,

1876. Landscape painter, first instructed by Karl Baumann, then studied in Munich ; much influenced by Richard Zimmermann ; painted landscape backgrounds in several of Alexander von Kotzebue's great battle- pieces. Winter Landscape, Stuttgart Gal- lery. Kunst-Chronik, xi. 738. SAMACCHINI, ORAZIO, born in Bolo- gna, Dec. 20, 1532, died there, June 12, 1577. Bolognese school ; Vasari calls him Fumaccini, Orazio da Bologna, and Som- inacchini. Began by imitating Pellegrino, Tibaldi, and the Lombards ; went to Rome in time of Pius IV., and painted for Zuc- chero a compartment in one of the halls of the Vatican, which was highly commended. On his return to Bologna became a success- ful painter. Works : Coronation of the Vir- gin, Bologna Gallery ; Presentation in the Temple, S. Giacomo Maggiore ; Madonna with Saints, S. M. Maggiore ; Holy Trinity, S. Stefano ; Flagellation, S. Salvatore ; Cru- cifixion, Servi. Malvosio, i. 168 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 420 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Lanzi, iii. 44 ; Guolandi, 72, 157. 1U7