Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/161

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SCIIAEFELS Cornelius, Overbook, and Veit, and became an enthusiastic follower of religious art and (1814) a convert to Roman Catholicism. Made professor at the Berlin Academy in 1819, he won great renown as a teacher, and in 1826 became director of the DUsseldorf Academy, which he thoroughly reorganized, its brilliant success being identified with his name. Resigned in 1859. He founded the Art Union for Westphalia in 1829, visit- ed Rome and Naples in 1840, and was en- nobled in 1843, with the permission to add to his name that of his estate, Godenhaus. Ph.D., University of Bonn,1842 ; Member of Berlin Academy and of Institut de France ; Order of Red Eagle. Works : Regina Cce- lis, (1810-19), Suermondt Museum, Aix-la- Chapelle ; Holy Family, Munich Gallery ; Roman Woman ; Camaldolensian Monk ; Bacchanal (1819), Proscenium, New The- atre, Berlin ; Adoration of the Magi (1824), Garnisonskirche, ib. ; The Four Evangelists, Werder Church, ib.; Female Portrait (1832), Walk to Emmaus (1836), Union of Painting and Sculpture (Thorwaldsen, Schadow, and his brother Rudolf), National Gallery, ib.; A Templar (1832) ; Daughter of Herodias (1838), Raczynski Gallery, ib.; Free-Born Poetry (1825) ; Mignon (1828) ; Caritas (1830), Antwerp Museum ; Wise and Fool- ish Virgins (1838), Studel Gallery, Frank- fort ; Heavenly and Earthly Love (1840) ; Pietas et Vanitas (1841) ; Holy Family, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Heaven, Purga- tory, and Hell (after Dante); many masterly portraits, among them those of his Children, of the poet Immermaun, and of Mendels- sohn. Frescos : Jacob with Joseph's Bloody Coat, Joseph in Prison (1818), Casa Bar- tholdi, Rome. Art Journal (1865), 69 ; FOrster, iv. 220 ; v. 273, 343 ; Hagen, D. Kunst., etc.; Hilbner, Schadow und seine Schule (Bonn, 1869) ; Jordan (1885), ii. 193 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex. (1878), xiv. 196 ; Milller, Ddsseldf. K., 12, 19 ; Nagler, xv. 90 ; Riegel, Gesch. des Wiederauflebens der d. K., 276, 331 ; Spring- er, Gesch., 91 ; Wiegmann, 64. w SCHAEFELS, HENRI, born in Ant- werp ; contemporary. Genre and marine painter. Order of Leopold. Works : Louis XIV. at Versailles (1853), Leipsic Museum ; Encouraged and Discouraged (1853) ; Bat- tle of the Sluice (1860); Battle of Trafalgar, Antwerp Museum ; Capture of Fleet before Lisbon in 1572. Muller, 460. SCHAEPKENS, ALEXANDER, born at Maastricht in 1815. Landscape painter, pupil of Antwerp and (1835-37) Brussels Academies, then studied in Paris after the old Dutch masters in the Louvre. Member of Amsterdam Academy. Order of Oaken Crown, 1857. Works :*St. Arnulf in Pray- | er ; best pictures in Collections of Baroness van Dopf, Maastricht, Countess von Ge- loes, Elsloo, and H. Geefs, Brussels. Kramm, v. 1451. SCHAEPKENS, THEODOOR, born at I Maastricht in 1810. History painter, broth- I er of preceding, pupil of Antwerp Academy ! under M. van Bree ; visited France, Italy, | and Germany. Works : St. Servatius, Ca- thedral, Maastricht ; St. Lambert in Prayer, Notre Dame, ib. ; Industry and City of Maas- tricht, City Hall, ib.; St. Philomena, Ant- werp Cathedral ; Murder of Spaniards at Maastricht in 1579, National Museum, Brus- ' sels ; Death of Evrard t' Serclaes. Imuier- zeel, iii. 56 ; Kramm, v. 1453. SCHAFFER, ADALBERT, born at Nagy Karoly, Hungary, in 1815, died in Ddssel- dorf, March 1, 1871. Still-life painter; studied in Pesth and Vienna. Works : Pitcher, Glass, Oysters, etc., on Marble Table (1849), Vienna Museum ; Antique Vessels with Flowers and Fruits (1852) ; do. from Ambras Collection (1856) ; Gar- laud with Madonna (1866). Wurzbach, xxix. 44. SCHAFFER, AUGUST, born in Vienna, April 30, 1833. Landscape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Steinfeld ; stud- ied nature in Austrian and Bavarian Alps, in Hungary, North Italy, and on the North Sea. Member of Vienna Academy. Med- als : Strasburg, 1859 ; Nassau. Works : 121