Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/163

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SCHAMPHELEEK Girl holding Candle, Artist lighting up Bust of Venus, Girl holding Egg against Light, Old Woman with Book on her Lap, Dresden Gallery ; Young Fisherman, Berlin Mu- seum ; Girl placing Candle in Lantern, Old Man Reading, Vienna Museum; Barber shaving himself, Hermitage, St Petersburg ; Art- ist's Portrait, His- torical Society, New York. Ch. Blanc, I5cole hol- landaise ; Immerzeel, iii. 58 ; Kramm, v. 1454; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 410; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 336. SCHAMPHELEER, EDMOND DE, born in Brussels in 1824. Landscape painter, pupil of E. de Block. Gold medals : Dun- kirk, 1864 ; Brussels, 1866 ; Berlin, 1872, 1876 ; Paris, 1877. Works : The Old Rhine near Gouda, Brussels Museum ; Evening Landscape (1853), Hamburg Gallery ; Har- vest, Stettin Museum ; Summer Evening on Banks of Dyle ; Landscape after Storm ; Sunday Morning in Village in Brabant ; Abcoude Lake near Amsterdam (1883). Leixner, Mod. K., i. 85 ; ii. 113. SCHAMS, FRANZ, born in Vienna in 1823. Genre painter, pupil of Vienna Acad- emy. Works : Duke Henry IV. as Minne- singer recognized by the Tyrolese (1851), Vienna Museum ; Summons to Crusade (1858) ; Scene in Life of Joseph H. (1860) ; Important News (1862) ; Baptism (1869) ; Schiller reading " The Robbers " ; We want to marry each other ! Wurzbach, xxix. 113. SCHANCHE, HERMAN, born at Bergen, Norway, in 1829. Landscape painter, pupil of Dilsseldorf Academy under Gude ; trav- elled in Germany, Scandinavia, and Portu- gal. Best pictures in Christiania Gallery, and Stockholm Museum. SCHAUBROEK (Schoebroek), PIETER, born in Antwerp in 1542 (?), died after 1605. Flemish school ; history and land- scape painter, pupil and imitator of Jan Brueghel ; lived in Nuremberg in 1597. Works: St. John Preaching, Brunswick Gallery ; Burning of Troy, Cassel Gallery ; Village View, Copenhagen Gallery ; Land- scape (1604), Schleissheim Gallery ; Burn- ing of Troy (1605), Vienna Museum. Rie- gel, Beitriige, ii. 87. SCHAUFELIN (Schauffelein, Scheufelin, Scheyffelin), HANS LEONHARD, born in Nuremberg before 1490, died at Niird- lingen in 1539 or 1540. German school ; history painter, pupil of Diirer, whom he assisted in an altarpiece executed in 1502, and whose manner he imitated so well that many of his numerous pictures have been accredited to his master. He lived alter- nately in Augsburg (1512), Nuremberg, and Niirdlingen, where he was finally induced to settle. Works: Pietfi (1510), Passion of Christ (1522), Basle Museum ; Four Scenes in Life of a Martyr, St. Jerome in a Grotto, Bamberg Gallery ; Last Supper (1511), Christ parting with his Mother, Berlin Mu- seum; Crucifixion (1515), Presentation in the Temple, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Christ appear- ing to Magdalen, Adoration of the Lamb, Cassel Gallery ; Death of the Virgin, Apos- tles Thomas and James, Cologne Museum ; Scenes from Lives of Christ and Mary, Christ on Mount of Olives (1516), Head of Christ, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Christ on the Cross (1508), Judith and Holoferues (1515), St. Bridget, Two Scenes in Life of St. Onofrius, St. Jerome, Liberation of Peter, Burial of the Virgin, Germanic Mu- seum, Nuremberg ; several in the churches, ib. ; Scourging of Christ, Leipsic Museum ; Christ on the Cross, Ecce Homo, Christ on Mount of Olives, Portrait of an Abbot (1531), Schleissheim Gallery ; Christ Cruci- fied, and the Joys of the World (?) Schwerin Gallery ; Judith and Holofernes (1515), Siege of Bethulia, St. Barbara, St. Eliza- beth, Christ parting from his Mother (1515), Pieta (1516), Assumption (1521), and others, Town Hall, Nordlingen ; Pieta, St. George's, ib.; Altarpiece in 16 panels (1513), Convent Church, Anhauseu ; Last