Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/170

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SCHIAYONE in large compositions. Among his best works are : Adoration of the Shepherds, Holy Family, Vienna Museum ; Jupiter and lo, Madonna Enthroned (Vierge au Dona- teur), and a group of portraits, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Death of Abel, and four por- traits, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Madonna, Buda-Pesth Gallery. The identity of Schia- vone and the engraver Andrea Meldolla, de- nied by Zani and Bartsch, has been satisfac- torily proved by Ernest Hagen, of Hamburg (Kunstblatt, No. 37, 1853). His engravings (dry-point and burin on tin), generally after P^.Schiann-j Parmigiano, are carelessly executed. Ch. Blanc, Ecole venitienne ; Vasari, ed. Mil., vi. 596 ; Bartsch, xvi. 31 ; C. & C., Titian, i. 438. SCHIAVONE, GREGORIO, born in Dal- matia, 1st half of 15th century. Veneto- Paduau school ; called Giorgio by Sanso- vino, and Girolamo by Eidolfi. Pupil of Squarcione ; attained a certain rude free- dom and boldness, but faces and forms ex- aggerated and unnatural. Among his best works are : Madonna with Saints, do. with Angels, National Gallery, London ; Ma- donna, Berlin Museum. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 342. SCHIAVONI, FELICE, born at Trieste in 1803, died in 1868. History, genre, and portrait painter, son and pupil of Natale Schiavoni, then studied in the galleries at Milan, where he won a prize at the Academy, and at Venice and Vienna, worthily repre- senting his famous ancestor, Andrea Scia- voni, and upholding the traditions of the old Venetian school, especially as a colour- ist. Member of Venice and Vienna Acade- mies. Prize and great gold medal for art from the Emperor Nicholas of Russia. Works: Death of Raphael (for Emperor Alexander II.); Miracle of St. Anthony of Padua ; St. Simon, S. Antonio, Trieste ; Raphael and the Fornarina, Tosi Gallery, Venice ; Cupid (for theBrera, Milan); Christ bearing the Cross ; Christ Asleep ; Torquato Tasso reading to Eleonora ; Repose in Egypt (1824) ; Venus and Cupid (1832) ; Madonna (1854) ; Raphael painting the Fornarina (1861), formerly in Arthaber Col- lection, Vienna ; Holy Family (1864). His daughters Carolina and Julia were also talented painters, the former of landscapes, the latter of history and portraits. Illustr. Zeitg. (1868), i. 461 ; Wurzbach, xxix. 254. SCHIAVONI, NATALE, born at Chiog- gia, April 25, 1777, died in Venice, April 15, 1858. History and portrait painter, pupil in Venice of Maggiotto ; went in 1800 to Trieste, and in 1810 to Milan, where he painted Eugene Beauharnais and the whole royal family ; in 1816 invited by the Em- peror to Vienna, whence he returned to Venice in 1821 ; there studied exclusively the works of Titian and Paolo Veronese, and became professor at the Academy. Gold medal, Brussels. Works : Magdalen Penitent (1852), National Gallery, Berlin ; do., Vienna Museum ; Bacchante, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Adoration of Shep- herds, British Museum, London. His sons Felice (1803-68) and Giovanni (1804^8) were also able history painters, and often painted conjointly with their father. Pict- ures by them in the Brera Gallery, Milan, Vienna Museum, and Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. Hormayr, Archiv. (1821), No. 129 ; (1824), Nos. 105, 106; Jordan (1885), ii. 196 ; D. Kunstbl. (1851) ; Wurzbach, xxix. 254, 257, 258. SCHICK, GOTTLIEB, born in Stutt- gart, Aug. 15, 1779, died there, April 11, 1812. History painter, pupil of Hetsch, and greatly influenced by Dannecker ; went in 1799 to Paris to study under David, re- turned in 1802, then studied in Rome until 1811 ; befriended especially by Humboldt and Josef Koch ; with the latter, Carstens, and Wiichter, one of the regenerators of German art. Works : Eve at a Spring, Co- logne Museum ; David before Saul (1803), Apollo among the Shepherds (1809), David before Saul, Bacchus and Ariadne, Portrait 130