Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/176

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SCHLOSSER second stay in Paris he won the favour of Napoleon III. and painted the Empress Eugenie for the palace at St. Cloud ; spent the winter of 1874-75 in Italy and painted in Rome and Pompeii landscapes and archi- tecture pieces. Works : Stable Boy's Joy (1836), Horse Stable (1845), Eide of Witches to the Blocksberg (1853), Russian Team, . I Death of Niclot (1857), Skirmish

Q^^ near Walsmiihlen iu 1719, Por- 

traitsof Fritz Reuter (186G), Gus- tavzuPutlitz(18G6),GastonLen- the ( 1868 ). Friedrich Kuckeu (1869), Count Friedrich von Schack (1875), Grand Duke Paul Friedrich, and of himself, (1876), Schwerin Gallery. Schlie, 67. SCHLOSSER, HERMANN (JULIUS), born in Elberfeld, Dec. 21, 1832. History painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Karl Sohn ; took prize of Berlin Academy in 1860 ; lived several years in Paris, and settled in Rome. Gold medal, Berlin, 1870. Works : Maid of Orleans ; Venus rising from the Sea (1871) ; Thetis surprised by Peleus (1872), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; The- seus and Ariadne ; Pandora before Prome- theus and Epimetheus (1878), National Gal- lery, Berlin. Mflller, 469 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, vi. 107 ; Leixner, Mod. K, ii. 14. SCHLOSSER, KARL, born in Darmstadt in 1836. Genre painter, pupil in Frankfort of Jakob Becker, and in Paris of Couture ; settled about 1875 in Lon- don, where he ex- hibits at the Royal Academy and the Grosvenor Gallery. Medal, Vienna ; Knight of Order of Merit. Works : Last Rehearsal ; Political Adversaries (1871) ; First Bottle of Champagne ; Obligatory In- struction (1875); Village Lawyer (1876); Forbidden Fruit (bought by Napoleon III.); Reprimand ; Advice in Need (1878), Stadel Gallery, Frankfort ; The Refectory (1877) ; Carriage Accident, Grocer's Shop in Tyrol (1878) ; Political Discussion, Sunset at San Remo, Compulsory Education (1879) ; Sou- venir de Palermo (1880) ; Singing Lesson, Finishing Touch, A Duet (1881) ; Out of Tune, Pianissimo, An Intermezzo (1882); Old Friends, A Book Worm, Palermo (1884) ; From Bordigherra (1885); An Old Bachelor (1886). Gaz. des B. Arts (1865), xviii. 319, 522 ; (1867), xxii. 537. SCHLOTTHAUER, JOSEF, born in Mu- nich, March 14, 1789, died there, June 15, 1869. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy. Painted some of the frescos in the Glyptothek after Cornelius's cartoons. Visited Rome in 1830 ; became professor at Munich Academy in 1831 ; went to Pompeii in 1844 to study ancient painting. With Fuchs he invented in 1846 stereochromy, a method of preserving the colours of frescos, used by Kaulbach in the Berlin Museum. Works : Christ crowned with Thorns ; Al- tarpieces (1838), Bamberg Cathedral. Kunst-Chronik, iv. 181. SCHMALZ, HERBERT, born in Eng- land ; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter ; exhibits at the Royal Academy and the Grosvenor Gallery. Works : Mu- riel, Sir Galahad (1881) ; Voices, Alas ! (1882) ; Beyond, Temple of Eros, How Long !, Idaline (1883) ; Too Late !, Queen of the May, Felice, All is Vanity (1884) ; Elaine, Denise, Souvenir de Blankenberghs (1885) ; Topsy (1886). SCHMID, MATHIAS, born at See, Tyrol, Nov. 14, 1835. His- tory and genre paint- er, pupil of Munich Academy (1856) un- der Schraudolph, and of Piloty in 1869, when persecution by the clergy in Tyrol on account of his liberal ideas caused him to return to Mu- nich. Medal, Vienna, 1873. Works : Ruth going to Bethlehem (1858) ; Entombment ;