Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/194

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SCHUTZ and its director ; died there in 1675 or 1676 ; imitated Murillo. Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Kramm, v. 1500 ; Micbiels, viii. 339 ; Booses (Reber), 272 ; Van den Bran- den, 757. SCHUTZ, CHRISTIAN GEORG, the elder, born at FlOrsheim, near Mentz, Sept. 27, 1718, died in Frankfort, Dec. 6, 1791. Landscape painter, pupil of Hugo Schlegel in Frankfort (1731), then of Appiani. Long painted in fresco before devoting himself to landscape painting, in which he followed Saft-Leveu. His best pictures were painted between 1760 and 1775. Works: Rhine Views (10, one dated 1787), Architectural Pieces (3), Pilgrims by Ruins, View near Waterloo (1780), Views of and near Mentz (6), two others, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Landscape with Figures, Interior of St. Bartholomew's in Frankfort, Bamberg Gal- lery ; Rhine Views (7), four others, Cassel Gallery ; Interior of Gothic Church (1769), View on the Neckar (1777), five others, Darmstadt Museum ; River Landscapes (3, 1750, 1765), Market Day on the Romerberg in Frankfort (1754), Morning Landscape (1760), The Devil's Bridge on St. Gothard Road (1781), View of Aschaffenburg (1787), four others, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; others in Amalienstift, Dessau, in Christi- ania, Gotha (4), Oldenburg (2), and Prague Galleries. His nephew and pupil, Christian Georg Schiitz, the younger (1758-1823), painted especially attractive Rhine Views, and was one of the founders of the Frank- fort Museum. In the Darmstadt Museum are, by him, five Landscapes (one dated 1786) ; in the Schleissheim Gallery, four Rhine Views. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 565 ; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 725 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xv. 260. SCHUTZE, WTLHELM, born in Berlin in 1814. Genre painter, pupil of KlOber ; very successful in homely scenes of lively composition and good colouring. Works : Cellar with Students and Girls (1834) ; Game of Chess, Blind Man's Buff, Princess of Liegnitz ; Flower Girl (1838) ; Mother washing her Child (1854) ; Child's portrait (1880), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Hostile Inmates, Emil Caiman, New York. Cotta's Kunstbl., 1834-38 ; D. Kunstbl., 1854. SCHUTZENBERGER, LOUIS FRF,- DERIC, born at Strasburg, Sept. 8, 1825. Genre, landscape, and marine painter, pupil of Gleyre. Medals: 3d class, 1851; 2d class, 1861, 1863; L. of Honour, 1870. Works : Terpsichore (1861), Centaurs hunt- ing a Wild Boar (1864), Luxembourg Mu- seum ; Judgment of Paris (1863) ; Head of St. John (1863), Count Nieuwerkerke ; Pygmalion embracing his Statue (1864) ; Rape of Europa (1865), Arras Museum ; Charlemagne learning to write (1867) ; The First Astronomer (1867) ; Roman Slaves, St. Simon Stylites (1868); Hero, Pope's Walk in the Campagna (1869); Bather, Souvenir of Italy (1870) ; Alsatian Family emigrating to France (1872) ; Boatwoman of the Rhine, Amazon (1874) ; Seven Capital Sins, Flight of Nero (1875) ; Joan of Arc hearing Celestial Voices (1876) ; Souvenir of Italy, Diana Bathing (1877) ; Ariadne Abandoned, Bather (1878) ; Potiphar's Wife (1879) ; The Gorgon (1880) ; Panel for the Mayor's Office in Rheims, Interview between Csesar and Ariovistus (1881) ; Souvenir of Alsace (1882) ; Callisto, Alsatian Gleaner (1883) ; Return of Ulysses, Rhine Fisher- men (1884) ; Huntsmen Drinking at Well, Bather (1885) ; Ulysses (1886). Gaz. des B. Arts (1881), xxiii. 510 ; Bellier, ii. 485. SCHUZ, THEODOR, born at Thumling- en, Wiirtemberg, March 26, 1830. Genre painter, pupil of Stuttgart Art School under Rustige, Neher, and Steinkopf ; went in 1854 to Munich, and studied at the Academy un- der Piloty in 1857-63 ; visited Italy in 1858 and Middle Germany in 1859, and settled in Diisseldorf in 1866. Works : Evening Bell (1857); Walk on Easter Morning (1858); Midday Rest during Harvest (1862); Amuse- ment in Vineyard (1869) ; Sunday Afternoon in the Village (1873) ; Evening Landscape in Harvest Time (1879) ; Village View (1883). Muller, 482 ; Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 419. 154