Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/219

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SHEPHERDS them followed by a dog ; above, a choir of angels. One of Mengs's best works. Col- , lection of Charles HL Engraved by Raph- ael Morghen. Reveil, xiii. 928. By Murillo, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; canvas, H. 6 ft 5 in. x 4 ft. 10 in. On left, Jesus lying naked on a crib, the Virgin, at his feet, holding up the linen that covers him ; behind her, St. Joseph standing ; in front, a kneeling shepherd near a lamb ; beyond him, an old woman, and behind her, on right, two shepherds, one with a staff; above the Child, the heads of an ox and an ass. First manner. From Houghton Gallery ; appraised at 600. En- graved by V. Green. Sketch in Hermitage. Curtis, 165 ; Houghton Gallery, i. PL 24 ; Hermitage, Cat., 128. By Murillo, Madrid Mu- seum ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 1 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. The Vir- gin, kneeling on left behind the crib, holds the head of Jesus on her right arm, and raises with left the lin- en that covers him ; be- hind, St. Joseph leaning on his staff; in front, a shep- herd kneeling in adora- tion ; two fowls on ground before him ; at right, a woman with a basket of eggs, and a man leading a lamb by a rope ; in background, ruins of a temple. Second manner. Taken to Paris by French, returned in 1816 and placed in Academy of S. Fernando, whence transferred in 1829 to Museum. Engraved by Huvert ; lithographed by P. F. Feillet. Curtis, 165 ; Madrazo, 469. By Murillo, Seville Museum ; canvas, H. 9 ft. x 6 ft. The Virgin, seated on right, holds the head of the Child, who lies on a box filled with straw ; she raises the linen and shows him to the kneeling shepherds ; behind them, on left, a young woman with a basket of eggs thrusts a child forward into the scene ; in centre, behind the crib, St. Joseph standing, leaning on his staff; above, two cherubs. Painted about 1676 for Capuchin Church, Seville. Repetition, reversed, Vatican, Rome. Curtis, 164. By Nicolas Poussin, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. The Vir- gin seated in a stable, in which animals are feeding, holding in her lap the Infant, be- fore whom four shepherds are prostrating themselves ; beliind the group, St. Joseph, standing. Painted in 1653 for M. de Mau- croy, intendant of finances ; passed thence to M. Boisfranc and to the Manheim Gnl- Adoration of Shepherds, Nicolas Poussin, Munich Gallery. lery, from which it was procured by the King of Bavaria. Engraved by John Pesne ; lithographed (1818) by N. Miixel. Reveil, xiii. 888. By Rembrandt, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 1 in. x 1 ft. 10 in. ; signed, dated 1646. Interior of a stable ; at right, the Virgin sitting near Jesus, who is lying in a cradle ; on her right, St. Joseph, stand- ing ; two shepherds, kneeling, and near them two women and a child, a man with a lantern, a boy with a dog ; in background, other figures and cattle. Collection of Mme. Bandeville (1786), 3,000 francs ; Col- lection of M. Tolozan (1801), 10,000 francs ; 175