Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/223

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SIBYLS a niche. Painted in 1866 ; chalk drawing, Alexander Stevenson, Tynernouth. Athe- naeum, Sept., 1873, 407 ; Oct., 1875, 444. SIBYLS, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome ; frescos on ceiling. Painted on five of the twelve pendentives, the other seven being filled with as many prophets, viz. : Zachariah, Joel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Jonah, Daniel, and Isaiah. 1. Erythraean Sibyl, full-length, seated, looking into an open book at right. Behind, two children, one lighting a lamp. 2. Persian Sibyl, full-length, seated, writ- ing in an open book at left. In front of her, two children. holding up a scroll, half-opened by a flying angel, inscribed "The Resurrection of the Dead ; " nest the Persian Sibyl, writing on a tablet held by an angel, " He will have the Lot of Death " ; on the key-stone, a little angel holding a torch, and another, seated near, points to a tablet in his hand inscribed, "The Heavens surround the Sphere of the Earth " ; next, the Phrygian Sibyl, and be- low her, the Tiburtine Sibyl ; between them, a little angel with a tablet inscribed, " I will open and arise," and above them another floating, with an open scroll inscribed, "An- other Generation already." Painted by or- der of Agostiuo Chigi in 1514 ; entirely by Sibyls, Raphael, S. M. della Pace, Rome. 3. Libyan Sibyl, full-length, seated, hold- ing an open volume on a pedestal at her right and looking left at two children seated in front of her. 4. Cumaean Sibyl, full-length, seated front, looking to her right into an open book, be- hind which are two children. 5. Delphian Sibyl, full-length, seated, looking nearly front. Behind, two children, one looking into an open book. Engraved by Cherubino Alberti. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 182 ; Pistolesi, Vaticano desc., viii. PL 98, 105, 112, 123, 129 ; Landou, (Eu- vre de Michel- Ange, PI. vi., viii., x., xii., xiv. SIBYLS, Raphael, S. M. della Pace, Rome ; fresco. At left, the Cuniaoan Sibyl, seated, Raphael. Shows wonderful execution. Va- sari calls it Raphael's masterpiece. This fresco is beneath that of the Prophets, and in the picture which Michelangelo was called in to value, estimating each head to be worth a hundred ducats. Restored in 155G-15C1 by Foutana and in the present century by Palraaroli. Engraved by a pupil of Marc Antonio ; J. Volpato (1772) ; Ferd. Rusch- weyh ; M. F. Dien (1838). Original designs in Abertina Collection, Vienna, and at Ox- ford. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 340 ; Passavant, ii. 138 ; Mttntz, 491, 493 ; Springer, 256 ; Reveil, xiv. 967. SICHEL, NATHANAEL, born in Mentz, Jan. 8, 1844. History and portrait painter, 17!)