Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/226

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SIGISMONDA Nantes Museum ; Vision of St. Jerome (1829), Louvre ; Christ on the Cross (1829), Church at Issingeaux ; Anacreon (1833). Ch. Blanc, Ecole fraujaise ; Eloge historique de X. S. (1848) ; Bellier, ii. 502. SIGISMONDA, William Hogarth, Na- tional Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 1 in. Mourning over the heart of Guiscardo. Sigismonda or Ghismonda, daughter of Tancred, Prince of Salerno, loved and secretly married Guiscardo, a poor but noble page. Tancred, having dis- covered the union, caused Guiscardo to be strangled and sent his heart in a golden cup to Sigismonda, who escaped from life by a poisoned draft which she had pre- pared in expectation of her husband's doom. Painted in 1759 for Sir Kichard Grosvenor, who declined it ; sold at Mrs. Hogarth's sale for 56 guineas ; sold in 1807 for 400 guineas ; bequeathed in 1879 by J. H. An- derdon. Engraved (1792) by B. Smith. SIGMUND in., King of Poland, born in Stockholm, June 20, 1566, died in Warsaw, April 30, 1632. History painter. One of his pictures was taken for a Tintoretto. Works : Allegory of Foundation of Jesuit Convent, Schleissheim Gallery; Mater Dolorosa, Augs- burg Gallery. SIGNOL, SMILE, born in Paris, March 11 (May 8, Bellier), 1804. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Blondel and Gros ; won the 2d grand prix de Rome in 1829, and the grand prix in 1830. Medals : 2d class, 1834 ; 1st class, 1835 ; L. of Hon- our, 1841 ; Officer, 1865 ; Member of Insti- tute, 1860. Works : Joseph telling his Dream to his Brothers (1824) ; Meleager taking up Arms (1830) ; Death of Virginia, Roman Peasants (1833) ; Noah cursing his Son (1834), Aix Museum ; Christ at the Tomb (1835), Comtesse Potowska ; Chris- tian Religion coming to the Aid of the Af- flicted (1837) ; Louis XV. consecrated in Rheims (1838), Versailles Museum ; Preach- ing the Second Crusade (1839), ib.; Woman taken in Adultery (1840), Luxembourg Mu- seum ; Magdalen, Mystic Virgin (1842) ; Portrait of Louis VH. (1842), Versailles Museum ; do. of Godfrey de Bouillon (1844), ib. ; do. of Saint Louis (1844), ib. ; Capture of Jerusalem in 1099 (1848), ib.; Bride of Lammermoor, Fairy and Peri (1850) ; Legis- lators under Evangelical Inspiration (1853), Palais du Scnat ; Descent from the Cross (1853) ; Pieta, Magdalen (1855) ; Crusad- ers passing the Bosphorus (1855), Capt- ure of Jerusalem (1855), Versailles Muse- um ; Holy Family (1859); Wise and Foolish Virgins (1863) ; Punishment of a Vestal (1863), Arras Museum ; Rhadamistus and Zenobia (1863) ; Soldier of Marathon, Ex- posure of Moses, Joseph sold by his Breth- ren (1878) ; Crusaders coming in Sight of Jerusalem in First Crusade (1880), Ver- sailles Museum ; Tancred on the Mount of Olives (1880), ib.; Portraits of Dagobert L, Clovis H, Childeric II., Thierry I, Dago- bert H., Thierry II, Childeric HI., ib. He has also executed works for churches : Death of the Magdalen (1838), Madeleine ; Decorations in St. Joseph's Chapel, Saint- Severin (1845) ; do. in Chapelle des Catu- chismes, Saint-Eustache (1851); do. in Saint- Eustache (1856) ; do. in Saint-Augustin (1862) ; Betrayal of Jesus and Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension (1876), Saint- Sulpice. Bellier, ii. 502 ; Vapereau ; La- rousse. SIGNORELLI, LUCA D' EGIDIO DI VENTURA DE', born in Cortona in 1441, died there in 1523. Tuscan school; pupil in Arezzo of his uncle, Lazzaro Vasari, and of Pietro della Fran- ^ cesca, with whom he remained until 1460. The evident influence of Antonio Pollajuolo and Andrea Verrocchio upon Signorelli makes it prob- able that he spent a portion of his time at Florence before 1472, and from 1474 to 1476 years of which no record is preserved in 182