Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/232

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SIMONETTI called by Vasari the mistress of Giuliano de' Medici ; but it is uncertain whether this be the portrait of La Simonetta or of another mistress of humbler origin who became the mother of Clement VII. It has been en- graved by Calamatta. Another portrait, for- merly in the Reiset Collection, Paris, but now said to be in possession of the Due d'Aumale, Chautilly, inscribed " Simonetta Januensis Vespuccia," is more probably the true Simonetta. A striped scarf is loosely draped around her nude shoulders, her hair is braided with pearls, and a serpent-shaped jewel glitters on her neck. This picture is ascribed by some to Antonio Pollajuolo. A third, by Botticelli, belonging to Colonel Sterling, London, was in the Eoyal Acad- emy's winter exhibition, 1886. She wears a brown robe thickly sown with pearls, a many-coloured scarf, and a head-dress dec- orated with pearls and a plume. A fourth, ascribed to Piero della Francesca, was sold in London, 188C,in the collection of William Graham. Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 332 ; C. & C., Italy, ii. 424, 428 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, i. PI. 11 ; Mag. of Art (188G), ix. 4G6. SIMONETTI, ATTILIO, Cavaliere, born in Home ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Fortuny. Professor in Naples. Works: First Fable (1875); After the Ball (1876); Via Giuseppe Mancinelli in Palaz- zolo (1878); Proclamation before the Pan- theon, E. B. Warren, Philadelphia (John- ston sale, 1876, $2,725). Mailer, 492. SIMONIDES, Greek painter, date un- known. Pliny says (xxxv. 40 [141]), that he painted an Agatharcus and a Mnemosyne. SIMONSEN, NIELS, born in Copenha- gen, Dec. 10, 1807, died there, Dec. 12, 1885. History painter, pupil of Copenha- gen Academy, where he first took up paint- ing, then sculpture, and, on failing to ob- tain the large gold medal, returned to painting. Studied in Munich in 1833 ; vis- ited Tyrol and Italy, and in 1839 Algiers ; settled in Copenhagen in 1845 ; took part in the Schleswig wars of 1848 and 1864 ; travelled in Sweden in 1857, and visited Rome in 1870. Professor at Copenhagen Academy in 1854. Member of Munich, Co- penhagen, and Stockholm Academies. Dane- brog Order, 1852. Works : Miser ; Corsairs resting after Combat ; Captured Pirates ; Death of an African Chief ; Tordenskjold fighting a Swedish Frigate ; Bivouac after Battle of Schleswig (1849), Copenhagen Gal- lery; Battle of Fredericia ; Storming of Fred- erikstad ; Battle of Idsted ; Swedish Be- trothal (1862), Copenhagen Gallery ; Scenes in the Trenches of DybbOl ; Battle of Sand- Simplicity, Sir Joshua Reynolds, E. F. Watson, England. elmark ; Naval Fight batween Turks and Greeks, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Caravan over- taken by Storm (1855), Christiania Gallery ; Sailor Smoking seated on a Cannon, New Pinakothek, Munich. Weilbach, 634. SIMPLICITY, Sir Joshua Reynolds, E. F. Watson, England. Portrait, half-length, of Sir Joshua's grand-niece, Offy Gwatkin. Seated under a tree, with her hands in her lap full of wild flowers. One of the most charming of Reynolds's child pictures. Pulling, Reynolds, 88 ; Stephens, English Children, by Sir J. R. 188