Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/244

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SOHN whom lie went to Diisselclorf in 1826 and to Italy in 1830 ; visited the Netherlands and France, became in- structor in 1832 and professor in 1838 at the Diisseldorf Academy. He was the celebrated ladies' portrait painter of his time, famous for his colouring in the style of Titian. Works: Einaldo and Armida (1827), Eape of Hylas (1829), Lute Player (1832), Female Portrait, National Gallery, Berlin ; Eegina cosli (1829) ; Diana at the Bath (1833) ; Two Leonoras (1834) ; replica (183G), Eaczynski Gallery, Berlin ; Italian Lute Player (1835) ; Judgment of Paris, Borneo and Juliet (183G) ; Tasso and the Two Leonoras (1839), Diisseldorf Gallery; Donna Diana (1840), Leipsic Museum ; Sis- ters (1840) ; Vanitas (1844) ; Lady before Mirror (1845), Konigsberg Museum ; Lute Player (1849), Christiania Gallery ; Four Seasons (1851) ; Lorely (1853) ; Portrait of Countess Monts, Cologne Museum ; Female Portrait, Carlsruhe Gallery. His son Eich- ard (born in Diisseldorf in 1834), genre and portrait painter, pupil of the Academy un- der Schadow and Jordan, studied in 18C7 in Paris. Works : Quartering in the Coun- try, Old Blind Fiddler (1862) ; Antiquary (1866). Karl, another son (born in Diissel- dorf, July 21, 1845), was pupil of his father, and of Wilhelm Sohn, 'with whom he trav- elled, then studied in Paris, London, and Italy. Has won success with finely coloured genre figures: Costume Study (1880); Span- ish Girl (1881) ; Carmen (1884). Blanck- arts, 1; Forster, v. 364; Ulustr. Zeitg. (1867); (1881), ii. 369 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 218 ; Kunst-Chronik, iii. 40 ; Wolfg. Mtiller, Diis- seldf. K, 16, 170; Springer, Gesch., 95; Wiegmann, 78 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xv. 127 ; xvi. 32 ; xx. 43. SOHN, WILHELM, born in Berlin in 1830. History and genre painter, nephew and pupil in Diisseldorf of Karl Ferdinand Sohn, whose daughter ho afterwards mar- ried ; became professor at Diisseldorf Acad- emy in 1874. Member of Amsterdam and Stockholm Academies. Medals : Amsterdam, 1865 ; Berlin, 1866 ; Paris, 1867. Works : Christ on the Stormy Sea (1853), Dtisseldorf Gallery ; Christ on Mount of Olives (1855); Genevieve (1856); Gypsy Woman (1858), Konigsberg Museum ; Different Walks in Life (1860) ; Fiddler and Child ; Question of Conscience (1864), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Consultation at the Law- yer's (1866), Gypsy Girl with Dog, Leipsic Museum ; Communion in Protestant Pa- trician Family, National Gallery, Berlin. SOJAEO, IL. See Gatti. SOLAEIO (Solari), ANDEEA DA, born about 1458 at Solario, near Milan, died in Pavia about 1530. Lombard school ; called sometimes Andrea del Gobbo and Gobbo da Milano, from his brother Cristoforo (Solario) del Gobbo, sculptor and architect, and some- times Andrea Milanese. Went about 1490 with his brother to Venice, and in 1495 painted there the Madonna, Brera, Milan, which shows the influence of Milanese teach- ing and of the examples of Da Vinci and of Verrocchio. He probably returned soon after to Milan, where he painted in 1499 the St. Catherine, now in the Casa Poldi. In 1507-09 he was in France decorating, for Cardinal George of Amboise, the Chapel at Gaillon, destroyed in 1793. After this, many of his pictures found a market in France. He is said to have accompanied Andrea del Sarto to South Italy in 1513, and to have been employed in the Chapel of S. Gaudenzio, Naples. About 1515 he began the large altarpiece of the Assumption, in the Certosa of Pavia, which was finished after his death by Bernardino Campi. Among his works are : Christ carrying his Cross (1505), | Palazzo Borghese, Rome ; Crucifixion, Ma- 200