Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/251

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SPAENDOtfCK r hatred of other artists ; but his real talent is proved by bis St. Dominick burning the Heretical Books, in S. Domenico. Ra- nuccio, Duke of Par- ma, invited him to his court, and he spent the rest of his days there. Other works: Prodigal Son, -33neas and Anchises, Concert, Martyrdom of St. Christopher, Louvre; Melchisedec blessing Abraham, Bologna Gallery : Painter's Portrait, Uffizi, Florence ; Chastity of Joseph, Lille Muse- um ; Christ crowned with Thorns, Naples Museum ; Christ before Pilate, Parma Gal- lery. Malvasia, ii. 73 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole bo- lonaise ; Burckhardt, 7C4, 788, 790, 803. SPAENDONCK, GERARDUS VAN, born atTilburg,March23, 1746, died in Paris, May 11, 1822. Dutch school ; flow- er painter, pupil of Herreyns ; went to Paris about 1770, and became minia- ture painter to the king in 1774. His flower and fruit-pieces are almost equal to the best by Huysum. Professor of iconog- raphy at the Jardin des Plantes and mem- ber of the Institute (1781). Works : Flow- ers and Fruits (1789), Louvre. His brother, Cornells (1756-1840), distinguished in the same branch, painted especially for the por- celain factory at Sevres. Ch. Blanc, cole hollaudaise ; Immerzeel, iii. 101. SPAGNA, LO, born in 14 died about 1530. Umbrian school ; real name Giovan- ni di Pietro, but commonly called, from his nationality, Lo Spagna (the Spaniard). Called by Vasari, Giovanni Spagnuolo. Art education wholly Italian, under Perugino and Pinturicchio. Was the companion of Raphael in the school of Perugino, and his manner is a mixture of the Peniginesque and Raphaelesque without the high quali- ties of either. Appears first as an inde- pendent master at Todi, but usually lived at Spoleto. Among his early works are the feeble Nativity, at the Vatican, called the Madonna della Spineta, and the Adoration of the Magi, Berlin Museum (attributed to Raphael). They are Peruginesque in dis- tribution and drawing, and Raphaelesque in accompaniments of type and drapery, and are of great interest as showing how Lo Spagna combined the methods of his master and comrade. This is further illustrated in the Madonna with Saints in the Perugia Gallery, and the Madonna in the Rovigo Gallery, assigned to Perugino. Fine fres- cos by him still exist at Todi, Trevi, Spoleto, Narni, Perugia, and Assisi. In 151G Lo Spagna received the freedom of the city of Spoleto, and the following year he was elected captain of the guild of St. Luke. With none of Pinturicchio's hardness, pure and simple in style, Lo Spagna is, after Raphael, the most sympathetic of Peru- gino's scholars. Other works : Nativity, Louvre ; Nativity, Vatican ; Ecce Homo, National Gallery, London ; Madonna En- throned, in lower church, S. Francesco, As- sisi ; Coronation of the Virgin, Mtinicipio, Narni ; Madonna, Palazzo Pubblico, Spoleto. C. & C., Italy, iii. 303 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xi. 53 ; ed. Mil., iii. 593 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole ombrienue ; Burckhardt, 574, G49 : Lttbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 444. SPAGNOLETTO, LO, born at Jativa, Spain, Jan. 12, 1588, died in Na- ples in 1656. Va- lencian and Nea- politan schools. Real name Josef de Ribera ; pupil in Valencia of Francisco Ribal- ta ; went when ( quite young to Rome, and lived, while study- ing, on the charity of his comrades, who nick- 207