Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/259

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STACK STACK, JOSEF MAGNUS, born at Suml in 1812. Landscape painter, pupil of Stock- holm Academy, and studied later in Munich. Visited the Tyrol and Italy. Works: Elf Valley in Dalecarlia, Stockholm Gallery ; View of Genzano ; Munich and Bavarian Highlands, Royal Palace, Stockholm. STADEMANN, ADOLF, born at Mu- nich in 1824. Landscape painter, pupil of Munich Academy ; paints chiefly winter scenes, often by moonlight or rainy weather. Works : Winter Landscape (1837), New Pi- nakothek, Munich ; do., Schack Gallery, ib.; View on Ammer Lake (1857) ; Winter Scene (1860) ; Bain and Sunshine (I860) ; Village in Winter. Cotta's Kunstbl., 1840; D. Kunstbl., 1856-58 ; Dioskuren, 1860-62. STADING, EVELINE, born at Stockholm in 1803, died in 1829. Landscape painter, pupil of Fahlcrantz, then copied from 1824 in Dresden after Euisdael and studied from nature, and went in 1827 through Salzburg and Tyrol to Rome. Works : View from Villa Chigis Park near Ariccia, Park and Castle of Rosersberg, Christiania Gallery ; View of the Hockstein near Dresden ; Castle, Lohmen ; Loch Mill ; View of Dresden. STADKEUS, Greek painter, pupil of Ni- costhenes, mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 40 [146]) as a worthy artist. Possibly identi- cal with the sculptor of the same name, master of Polycles. STAELBENT. See Stalbemt. STAG AT BAY, Sir Edwin Landseer, Lord Godolphin. Stands in the shallow of a lake, near the shore, with head erect ; one of the two dogs that have followed him lies on his back howling, while the other gives tongue to announce the whereabouts of the game. Royal Academy, 1846. Engraved by C. Mottram. Art Journal (1870), 144. STAG FIGHT (Combat de Cerfs), Gus- tave Courbet, Louvre, Paris. Two noble stags, with locked horns, are contending for supremacy in a wood. Salon, 1861. Pur- chased at Lepel-Cointet sale for 49,100 fr. STAG HUNT, Velasquez, Lord Ashbur- ton, London ; canvas, H. 6 ft x 8 ft Philip IV. and hia courtiers hunting stags in an arena enclosed by canvas walls, in the Pra- do, a royal hunting-seat two leagues from Madrid ; among the personages are the King, Queen Isabel, Olivarez, Velasquez standing uncovered in foreground, and Alonso de Espinar, aide to Don Balkisar Carlos. Painted before 1629 ; purchased by Mr. Baring from ex-King Joseph Bona- parte, who took it from the Royal Palace, Madrid. Curtis, 24 ; Waagen, iii. 347. By Philips Wouvxrman, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 5 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. An open country divided by a river, with huntsmen in distance driving a stag into the water, on which are people in boats ; on left bank of river, a terrace and gardens ; opposite, a clump of trees with a picnic party, horses, and musicians. Smith, ix. 182. STAIGG, RICHARD M., born in Leeds, England, about 1820 ; died at Newport, It L, Oct. 11, 1881. Portrait and genre painter ; came to America in youth, after studying drawing in an architect's office in Leeds, and settled in Newport, It. I., where he began to paint miniatures on ivory, un- der the advice and assistance of Washington Allston. In 1861 he was elected a member of the National Academy, New York ; was in Paris in 1867-69, and again in Europe in 1872-74. After his return he painted por- traits, and occasionally landscapes and genre pictures, some of the last of which were much admired. His miniatures, when ex- hibited at the Royal Academy, London, and the Salon, Paris, received favourable notice. Works : First Steps, The Lesson, St. Jerome, (1870) ; Italian Chestnut Gatherer (1875) ; Empty Nest, Cornice Road Italy, Italian Peasant Knitting (1876) ; Italian Girl's Head (1877) ; Margaret, Boy's Head (1878) ; Pet Squirrel (1880). STALBEMT (Staelbent), ADRIAEN VAN, born in Antwerp, June 12, 1580, died there, Sept. 21, 1662. Flemish school ; landscape painter, if not pupil of, certainly influenced by Jan Brueghel. Master of the guild in 1609, its dean in 1618, called to 215