Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/267

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STEIXER wig Church, Berlin ; Episode in Magde- burg's Destruction ; Hylas carried off by Nymphs ; Guardian Angel and Water- Sprites (1870) ; Lorelei, Rilbezahl (1872) ; Erl-King's Daughters (1874). In fresco : Ceiling Medallions, New Museum, Berlin ; Resurrection, Angels, Chapel of Palace, ib. ; Christ on Mount of Olives, Church of Peace, Potsdam. MUller, 504 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 222 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 51 ; Wolfg. MttUer, Dttsseldf. K, 186 ; Wiegmann, 144. STEINER, JOHANN NEPOMUK, born at Iglau, Moravia, May 16, 1725, died in Vi- enna in 1792. German school ; history and portrait painter, self-taught ; went to Rome, where he took Raphael Mengs for his model. In 1751 visited Venice ; then lived in Iglau, j until the Empress Maria Theresa called him to Vienna as court painter about 1755. Member of Academy in 1767. Works : Death of St. James ; St. Aloysius, Ignatius Loyola, Martyrdom of Stephen ; St. Joseph, A Chemist, Vienna Academy. Portraits of Maria Theresa, Joseph II., Prince Kau- nitz, Field-Marshal Loudon, the Poet Me- tastasio. Fresco paintings in different churches. Wurzbach, xxxviii. 69 ; Nagler, xvii. 286. STEINFELD, FRANZ, born in Vienna, May 26, 1787, died at Pisek, Bohemia, Nov. 3, 1868. Landscape painter, pupil of his father and of Prokop in sculpture, then of Vienna Academy in painting. Appointed chamber painter by Archduke Anton in 1815 ; became corrector at Vienna Academy in 1837, professor in 1838. Travelled much in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Belgium, and France. Gold medal in 1848. His style sometimes recalls Ruis- dael. He probably painted about 800 pict- ures. Works : Rocky Landscape near Ba- den (1820); Hallstadt Lake (1834); Swampy Wood and Deserted Mill (1846), Vienna Museum ; Day-Break (1847) ; Gastein 44 Years ago (1857). Wurzbach, xxxviii. 81 ; Kunst-Chronik, iv. 84 ; Nagler, xvii. 288. STEINFURTH, HERMANN, born in Hamburg in 1824, died there, Feb. 7, 1880. History and portrait painter, pupil in Dlls- seldorf of Karl Sohn, and of the Academy under Schadow in 1845-52 ; returned to Ddsseldorf after having visited Italy, and settled in Hamburg. Works : Entombment (1844) ; Education of Jupiter (1846), Co- logne Museum ; Abduction of Hylas (1847) ; Resurrection of Christ, Peter, Paul, St. Pe- ter's, Hamburg ; Diana sur prised by Actse- on (1847), Tithonus abducted by Eos, Tar- tarus, Bacchantes, Portraits of Hermann Kauffmann, Ludwig Kuaus, of himself, and three others, Kunsthalle, ib. Kuust-Chro- nik, xv. 386 ; Graph. K., ii. 60. STEINHAUSEN, WILHELM, born at Sorau, Feb. 2, 1846. History painter and illustrator, pupil of Berlin Academy in 1863 -66, and of Carlsruhe Art School until 1869. Resided in Berlin ; spent a year in Rome, and settled in Frankfort in 1876 ; illustrates especially religious subjects. Works: Pe- ter's Deliverance from Prison ; History of the Birth of Our Lord (1872) ; Labourer in the Vineyard (1881). In fresco : Decora- tions of Ravenstein House, Frankfort. M(U- ler, 505. STEINHAUSER, PAULINE, n6e Frank, died in 18 1C. History painter, wife of the sculptor Karl Steiuhiiuser. Works : Queen Esther, Schloss Bellevue, Berlin ; Iphigenia, Fhiulein von Waldenburg, ib. ; Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Infant St. John (1846), Archangel Michael, Schwerin Gnl- lery ; Genius of the Vine (1848) ; Madonna (1862). Cotta's Kuustbl., 1848; D. Kuust- bl., 1857 ; Dioskuren, 1802. STEINHEIL, LOUIS CHARLES AU- GUSTE, born at Strasburg, June 26, 1814, died in Paris in May, 1885. Genre, portrait, and flower painter, pupil of Decaisne. Has latterly devoted himself to glass painting and church decoration. Medals : 3d class, 1847 ; 2d class, 1848 ; 3d class, 1851 ; L. of Honour, 1860. Works : Consolations, Le- onora (1836) ; Young Virgin presented to Christ (1840) ; St. Philomena (1841) ; Ma- terfamilias, My Finger told me so (1845) ; Fruit and Wine, Interior (1846) ; Mother SS3