Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/271

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STEVAERTS School in 1837. Resided in Russia in 1844- 54, then returned to Paris. Medal in 1819 ; L. of Honour in 1828 ; Order of Red Eagle, 1841. Works : Peter the Great in Storm on Lake Ladoga (1812), Ainieus Museum ; St. Germain giving his Property to the Poor (1819), Church of St. Germain-des-Pres ; Mercury putting Argus to Sleep, Palace of Compiegne, Tell springing from Gessler's Boat (1822), Oath on the Grfltli (1824), de- stroyed in Palais Royal in 1848 ; Episode of Youth of Peter the Great (1827), Valenci- ennes Museum ; Innocence taking Refuge with Justice, Ninon de L'Enclos giving her Library to Voltaire (1827) ; Rousseau's First Interview with Mme. de Warens ; Return from Elba; Battle of Waterloo (1835); Jeanne la Folle awaiting her Husband's Resurrection (1836), Lille Museum ; Defeat of Abderahman by Charles Martel (1838), Versailles Museum ; Esmeralda and Quasi- modo (1839), Nantes Museum ; Christ stripped of his Vestments on Calvary, Ju- dith, Napoleon with the King of Rome (1841) ; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, Sam- son and Delilah (1843) ; Battle of Ivry, and Portraits, ceiling in Louvre ; Portraits of Charles H., Louis HI. and Carloman, Louis IV., Hugues Capet, Anne of Austria, Louis de Luxembourg, General Desaix, General Pichegru, Louis de France Due d'Anjou, Louis de France Due d'Orluans, Marquise de Pompadour, Versailles Museum ; As- sumption, Strasburg Cathedral ; Resurrec- tion, Joachim and Anna, Assumption, Birth of St. John Baptist, Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, Crucifixion, Virgin at the Tomb, Cathedral of St. Isaac, St. Petersburg. His wife, Mme. la baronne de Steuben (nee Eleonore Anne Trolle), born in Paris, Dec. 25, 1788, died there, Dec. 29, 1869, was a good portrait painter, pupil of her hus- band and of Robert Lefebvre. Revue uni- ver. des Arts, iv. 286 ; L' Artiste (1843), iv. 21 ; Revue fra^aise (1856), vii. 440 ; Bel- lier, ii. 525 ; Larousse ; Meyer, Gesch., 432. STEVAERTS. See Palamedesz. STEVENS, ALFRED, born in Brussels, May 11, 1828. Genre painter, pupil of the Paris Ecole des B. Arts, then in Brus- sels of Navez, and in Paris of Roque- plan ; has acquired great fame with his graceful repre- sentations of ele- gant modern inte- riors, enlivened with women's and children's figures. Medals : Brussels, 1851 ; Paris, 3d class, 1853 ; 2d class, 1855 ; 1st class, 1867, 1878 ; Order of Leopold, 1855 ; Officer, 1863, afterwards Commander ; L. of Honour, 1863 ; Officer, 1867 ; Command- er, 1878 ; Commander of Austrian Order of Francis Joseph, and of Bavarian Order of St. Michael. Works : Discouragement of Artist, Love of Gold (1853); Masquerade on Ash Wednesday (1853), Marseilles Museum ; What is called a Vagabond, First Day of Devotion, Meditation (1855) ; Consolation (1857), Raveno Gallery, Berlin ; At Home, Summer (1857) ; A Mother, The Bouquet, A Widow, News (1861); The Visit, Return from the Assembly, Innocence, Miss Fauvette, etc. (1867) ; Lady in Pink (1867), Brussels Mu- seum ; Lady in Studio (1878) ; Conversa- tion (1881), Morgan sale, New York, 1886, $3,500 ; By the Shore (1882), Seney sale, ib., 1885. In fresco : Allegories on Four Seasons, Royal Palace, Brussels. Illustr. Zeitg. (1874), i. 203 ; (1876), ii. 269 ; (1877), i. 16 ; (1882), ii. 601 ; Larousse, xiv. 1100; Zeitschr. f. b. K., x. 310 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1878), xvii. 160, 335. STEVENS, JOSEPH, born in Brussels in 1822. Genre and animal painter, brother of preceding; self-taught, studying in Paris; first exhibited in Brussels in 1844 ; in Paris, 1847. Medals : Paris, 2d class, 1852, 1855, 1857; Order of Leopold, 1851; Officer, 1865; L. of Honour, 1861. Works : Bitch and her Companion, The Mendicants, Faithful rather than Happy, etc. (1844-46) ; Torture