Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/280

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STREITT was also n, pupil of Emanuel de Witte. By him is a Breakfast Table, in the Schwerin Gallery, and a Gothic Church Interior (?), in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Schlie, 605. STEEITT, FRANZ, born at Brody, Galicia, in 1839. Genre painter, pupil of Cracow Art School and Vienna Academy under En- gerth ; settled in Munich in 1871. Medal, London, 1884. Works : Abduction of Prin- cess Halszka ; Kathariua Jagiellonika in Prison ; Counted Moments ; Favourite of the Family ; Forbidden Fruit ; Incredulous Listener ; Signal of Distress, Gypsy Boy playing Violin (1884). Allgem. Kunst-Chro- nik, viii. 530, 876, 1035 ; ix. 130. STEETES (Streetes), GUILLIM, British painter of 16th century, probably born in Holland. Painter in 1551 to Edward VI., who, Strype records, paid him 50 marks for two portraits of himself, one now at Windsor, the other at Petworth, and a third of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, be- headed in 1546-47. The last named, now at Knole, a full-length, life-size picture, is more Italian than Dutch in style, and much resembles the work of Girolamo da Treviso. Wilmot-Buxton, 16. STEIGEL, BERNHAED, born at Mem- mingen in 1460 or 1461, died there before June 23, 1528. German school ; history and portrait painter, mentioned in documents as living in Memmingen between 1516 and 1528, in Augsburg about 1517, in Vienna about 1520, 1522, and 1525 ; identical with Master of the Collection Hirscher. In his altarpieces he appears influenced by Zeit- blom, although his figures are less ele- vated in form and bearing ; he was an ex- cellent colourist. Works : Four Pictures with Saints, Elizabeth of Thuringia and Em- peror Henry H., Four Altar Wings (1515) with Nativity, Visitation, etc., Christ parting with Mary, Christ before the Crucifixion, Jo- hannes Cuspinian and Family (1520), Berlin Museum ; Pieta, Mocking of Christ, Annun- ciation, Washing of Feet, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Portrait of Imperial Family, Museum, Vien- na (attributed to Grtinewald) ; Married Cou- ple, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Altar Panels, National Museum, Munich ; do. (4), David with the Head of Goliath, Portraits of a Pa- trician and his Children (1517), Emperor Maximilian I., Male Portrait, Old Pinako- thek, ib. ; Altar Panels (6), Madonna, Two Portraits, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg; Portrait of Margaret of Austria, Schwerin Gallery ; Four Altar Wings, Archaeological Union, Stuttgart. Allgem. Zeitg. (1881), 1771, 1775; Kunst - Chronik, xvi. 329; Schnaase, viii. 457 ; W. & W., ii. 454 ; Jahr- buch der preuss. Kunstsammlungen, ii. 54, 59 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xxii. 38. STEOBERLE, JOAO GLAMMA, born at Lisbon in 1708, died at Oporto in 1792. Portuguese school ; history painter, pupil St. Luke's Academy in Rome under Maria Benefial. After an absence of almost twenty years, returned to Lisbon, where he deco- rated Eoyal Theatre. Settled in Oporto, but visited London and Lisbon. Works : Last Supper, St. Nicolao Church, Lisbon ; Altar- pieces, S. Joao Nova and Senhara da Victo- ria, ib. ; Earthquake of Lisbon. STEOMEYEE, HELENE (MAEIE), bom at Hanover, Aug. 26, 1834. Flower painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy, and in Carls- ruhe of Gude ; was much influenced by Lessing and Vasberg. Lives at Carlsruhe. Works : Morning Greeting ; Forgotten ; Gretchen's Eoses ; Flower Baskets in a Boat (1884) ; Garland and Willow Tree (1884). Miiller, 510 ; Kunst-Chronik, xx. 125, 349. STEOOBANT, FEANZ, born in Brussels in 1819. Architecture painter. Illustrated works on Belgian art and architecture. Gold medal in Brussels, 1854 ; Leopold Or- der in 1863. Works : San Giorgio in Ven- ice ; Brussels Houses of the Guilds, Brussels Museum ; Entrance to Old City in Prague ; Palace Interior in Cracow ; Entrance to Heidelberg Castle. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 860. STEOZZI, BEENAEDO, born in Genoa in 1581, died in Venice, Aug. 3, 1644. Gen- oese school ; called also II Cappuccino and 236