Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/300

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TELEPHANES TELEPHANES, painter, of Sicyon, early period. Mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 5 [16]) in connection with Ardices of Corinth as first to use shading lines within outline drawings. Sillig, 436 ; Brunn, ii. 4. TEMfiRAIRE, FIGHTING, Joseph M. W. Tamer, National Gallery, London ; can- vas, H. 2 ft. 11 in. x 3 ft. 11 in. The Tume- raire.a three-decker, mounting 98 guns, capt- ured from the French in 1759, had acquired the title of " Fighting " before she took so conspicuous a part at Trafalgar. She was put out of commission soon after the peace of 1815, and, being condemned as unservice- able, was sold in 1838 and towed to Rother- hithe to be broken up. The picture repre- sents her in tow of a tug, the sun setting in a blaze of glory behind. One of the finest of Turner's later works. Royal Academy, 1839. Engraved by J. T. Willmore. Art Journal (1864), 108 ; Hamerton, Life ; Cat. Nat. Gal. TEMPEL, ABRAHAM VAN DEN, born at Leeuwarden in 1622 or 1623, died in Amsterdam, May 13, 1672. Dutch school. Real name Abraham Lambert Jacobse. Por- trait painter, pupil of his father, Lamberts Jacobse, and in Leyden of Joris van Schoo- ten, but followed more the later manner of Van der Heist. A light and pleasing colour- ing and broad treatment characterize his pictures. Works : Three Portraits, Amster- dam Museum ; Portraits of Man and Wife (1660), Hague Museum ; Regents of the Orphan Asylum (1669), Three Allegories, Leyden Museum ; Portraits of an Admiral and his Wife (1671), Rotterdam Museum ; Portrait of Hendrik van Westerhout, Man and Wife in their Park, Berlin Museum ; Female Portrait, Cassel Gallery ; Dutch Patrician Family (1672), Hamburg Gallery. Immerzeel, iii. 130 ; Kramm, vi. 1607 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 362 ; Havard, A. & A. holl., ii. 85, 180 ; Burger, Musues, ii. 124 ; Jahrb. d. preuss. Kunstsammlg., iv. TEMPERELLO, IL. See Caselli, Cristo- foro. TEMPESTA (Tempesti), ANTONIO, born in Florence in 1555, died in Rome, Aug. 5, 1630. Roman school ; pupil of John Stradanus, and of Santo de Titi ; af- terwards worked in company with Cigoli. About 1575 went to Rome and painted in the Vatican, the Palazzo Giustiniani, and other public buildings. Painted chiefly battles, cavalcades, hunting scenes, and other figure pieces ; and left more than 1,500 etchings. Ch. Blanc, ICcole ombri- enne ; Burckhardt, 185, 757 ; Siret, 905. TEMPESTA, CAVALIERE. See Molyn, Pieter. TEMPLE OF JUPITER PANHELLE- NIUS, Joseph M. W. Turner, Mr. Goupil (?) ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 9 in. x 7 ft. 9 in. The Tem- ple of Jupiter at 2Egina restored on the general plan of the Athenian Acropolis, which is seen in the distance, at left ; in foreground, peasants dancing the Romaika. Royal Academy, 1816. Bought by Moon, Boys & Graves, who sold it to Wynn Ellis ; at his sale (1876), 2,100. Engraved (1828) by John Pye ; J. B. Allen, in Turner Gal- lery. TEMPTATION AND FALL, Michelan- gelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceil- ing. TENIERS, DAVID, the elder, bom in Antwerp in 1582, died there, July 29, 1649. Flemish school ; history, genre, and land scape painter, pupil of his elder brother Juliaen (1572-1615), of Ru- bens, and in Rome of Adam Elsheimer ; master of Antwerp guild in 1606 ; painted chiefly peasant scenes, combined with land- 256