Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/31

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RAUL Palermo, Montereau, Dieppe, Havre (1836); Chalon-sur-SaOne, Harbour of St. Halo (1837); Farm-Yard in Burgundy (1838); Grand Canal and S. M. della Salute in Ven- ice (1840); Thun (1841); Entry of Emperor Henry IV. into Venice (1843), Grenoble Museum ; Square and Fountain of Tophane in Constantinople (1846) ; Mosque at Scu- tari ; Wall paintings in Notre Dame at Chardonnay. Bellier, ii. 336 ; Larousse. RAHL, KAKL, bora in Vienna, Aug. 13, 1812, died there, July 9, 1865. History and portrait painter, son of the engraver Karl Heinrich Rahl, pupil of Vienna Academy; won the first prize in 1832, visited Germany, Hungary, and France, then studied in Rome (1836-43) after the antique ; returned to Vienna, and in 1845 went to Holstein, and in 1847 to Copenhagen, where he painted several members of the Danish court. After living a few years in Munich, he was called in 1850 to Vienna as temporary professor at the Academy, but resigned after one term and opened a school of painting, where he instructed eighty pupils, among whom were Bitterlich, Eisenmeuger, Griepenkerl, Lotz, and Than. For years disregarded and slight- ed his grand compositions for the decora- tion of the Vienna Arsenal having also been refused he at last obtained deserved prom- inence through the patronage of Baron Siua, executed a number of monumental exterior and interior decorations in palaces and public buildings of Vienna, and in 1863 was nominated professor at the Academy. Works, Altarpieces : Madonna (1829); Bap- tism of Christ (1830) ; Marriage of the Vir- gin, St. Joseph of Calasanz (1841), Pia- ristenkirche, Vienna ; Assumption (1848) ; Trinity, St. Catharine, St. Simon, St. Georg, Madonna, Greek Church, Vienna. Mythol- ogy and Allegory : Prometheus rejecting Pandora (1834), Development of the Sci- ences in Greece (I860), Jason taking the Golden Fleece, Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1861), Rape of Helen (1863), Baron Sina, Vienna; Arion singing to the Nereids (1848); Orestes | pursued by the Furies (1852) ; Hercules serving Omphale (1860) ; Four Elements (1861) ; Four Cardinal Virtues of Austria's Regents, Vienna Academy ; Boreas eloping with Eireithyia, Munich Art Union ; Arts of Peace (12, 1861), Heiurichshof, Vienna. History : David hiding in Cave of Adullam (1832); Confederation on the Rotli in 1307 ; Hagen declared Siegfried's Murderer (1835), Charles of Anjou finding Manfred's Body (1838), Vienna Museum ; Hagen and Volker before Chriemhilde's Door (1836); Persecu- tion of Christians in Rome (1844), Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; replica (1847), National Gallery, Berlin ; Bishop Kolouitsch bring- ing Christian Prisoners from Turkish Camp (1853) ; Samson and Delilah (1854) ; Man- fred's Entry into Luceria in 1254 ; Moses protecting Reuel's Daughters ; Leopold the Virtuous on the Walls of Ptolemais. Genre and Landscape : Woman saving her Child from Lion (1834) ; Rugantino, Old Catalo- nian, Old Roman (1838); Woman from Pro- cida (1839) ; View near Terraciua (1840) ; Neapolitan Marinaro singing to his Sweet- heart (1841) ; Fortune-Teller (1841), Liech- tenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Rural Scene near Rome, Girl at the Well (1842); Lute-Player (1850) ; Italian Woman with Tambourine (1853) ; do. at the Well (1856). Portrait* : The Painters Wiichter (1834), Riepenhau- sen (1846), Cornelius, Genelli, Heinrich Hess, Kaulbach (1848), Aigner (1851), Ko- vacs, Ricard (1854), Willers (1857), the sculptors Braudcnburger (1836), Martin

Wagner (1838), Hiihnel (1850), and Pilz,

the architects Ernst and Hansen (1854), the poets Robert Prutz (1848), Ludwig A. Frankl (1855), the philosopher Ludwig Feu- erbach (1848), all at the Deutches Hoch- stift, Frankfort ; Martin Wagner, New Pi- uakothek, Munich ; Ernst Willers, Old Man, Two Female Heads, Schack Gallery, ib. ; the poets Keruer (1833), Schwab, Lenau,