Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/325

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TIARINI Church, Antwerp ; Martyrdom of St. Bene- dict, and Portrait, Brussels Museum ; Temp- tation of St. Anthony, Conversion of St. Hubert, Consolation of St. Sebastian, Ghent Museum ; Pieta, Basle Museum ; Marriage of St. Catherine, Copenhagen Gallery ; Achilles with Lycomedes, Stockholm Muse- um ; Portrait of David Teniers the young- er, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Venus bewail- ing Adonis, Vienna Museum ; Vulcan and Venus surrounded by various Weapons, Va- rus with do., Hermannstadt Museum ; Mer- cury and Herse (1664), Worlitz Gallery. His son, Pieter Paul (born, 1652), was also a painter. Kramm, vi. 1629 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 309 ; Michiels, ix. 13 ; Rooses (Reber), 329 ; Van den Branden, 934 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xiv. 319. TIARINI, ALESSANDRO, born in Bo- logna, March 20, 1577, died there, Feb. 8, 1668. Bo- lognese school ; pu- pil in Bologna of Prospero Fontana, and of Bartolom- meo Cesi ; fled, on account of a quar- rel, to Florence, where he studied with Passignano and assisted Poccetti. Af- ter painting in Pisa, Pescia, and other places, returned to Bologna, and improved his style by studying the works of the Carracci. His Miracle of St. Dominic, in S. Domenico, and his Presentation in the Temple, in S. M. de' Servi, established his reputation, and he soon had many commissions in Reggio, Modena, Cremona, Ferrara, and other cities, which brought him fame and fortune. His early pictures are in the style of Passignano ; his later ones show the influence of Lodo- vico Carracci. He was of a melancholy dis- position, and his subjects are generally pa- thetic and treated in sombre colours, but admirably harmonized. Among his best easel pictures are : Marriage of St. Cather- ine, St. Catherine in Ecstasy, Madonna in Glory and Saints, Deposition, Bologna Gal- lery ; Deposition, Brera, Milan. Malvasia, ii. 119 ; Lanzi, iii. 117 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole bolonaise ; Burckhardt, 764, 785, 788, 791 ; Lavice, 16, 154. TIBALDI, PELLEGRINO, Marquis of Valdelsa, born at Val- delsa, near Milan, in 1532, died in Milan in 1592. Bolognese school ; real name Pellegrino di Tibaldo de' Pellegrini ; some- times called Pellegri- no da Bologna ; son of a poor mason, who removed to Bologna when his son was young. After studying in Bologna, Pellegrino went to Rome in 1547 and assisted Perino del Vaga in the Castle of St. Angelo, and Da- niele da Volterra in Trinita de' Monti. He studied carefully the works of Michelangelo, and imitated his style so successfully that he was called by the Carracci, Michelagnolo Riformato (the reformed Michelangelo). In 1550 he returned to Bologna, where he ex- ecuted some admirable works in the Palazzo Pozzi (now Palazzo dell' Institute) and in various churches, and won reputation both as a painter and an architect. In 1586 he went, on the invitation of Philip II., to Spain, where, during the following nine years, he executed a great number of mural paintings in the Escorial, the pictures of Federigo Zucchero having been expunged to make room for them. Ho returned to Milan wealthy and ennobled by the King. Domenico Tibaldi (1541-83), painter, en- graver, and architect, was his brother, and not his son, as Malvasia says. Works : St. Cecilia, Museum, Vienna ; Adoration of the Shepherds, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Mar- S73