Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/331

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TINTORETTO Academy. Tintoretto often treated sacred themes with a coarse realism unworthy of religious art, as in The Pool of Bethesda, and The Last Supper, in the Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice ; but his mythological pict- ures are conceived more in harmony with their subjects. He was fond of painting the nude, and his female figures are charming. His portraits are masterly, rich in colour, and (those of old men especially) life-like. Many of the pictures assigned to him in European galleries are not genuine. Venice contains many undoubted originals, among which are : Bacchus and Ariadne, Mercury and Graces, Minerva repelling Mars, Forge of Vulcan, SS. Andrew and Jerome, St. George and Dragon, Siege of Zara, Triumph of Venice, Battle of Lepanto, Paradise, Pa- lazzo Ducale ; Death of Abel, Expulsion from Eden, Academy; Annunciation (2), Ascen- sion, Assumption, Pool of Bethesda, Christ in the Garden, Baptism of Christ, Circumcision of Christ, Christ before Pilate, Temptation of Christ, Procession to Calvary, Crucifixion, Ecce Homo, Elijah at Brook Cherith, Ezeki- el's Vision, Fall of Man, Flight into Egypt, Sacrifice of Isaac, Jacob's Dream, Jonah, ' Joshua, Last Supper, Raising of Lazarus, Magdalen, Adoration of Magi, Fall of Manna, ' St. Mary of Egypt, Massacre of Innocents, ' Miracle of Loaves and Fishes, Moses strik- ing the Rock, Plague of Serpents, Resurrec- tion, St. Roch, St. Roch in Glory, St. Roch in Heaven, St. Sebastian, Adoration of Shep- herds, Visitation, Scuola di S. Rocco ; Mar- tyrdom of St. Agnes, Last Judgment, Moses on the Mount, Presentation of Virgin, do. of Jesus, S. M. dell' Orto ; Temptation of St. Anthony, Last Supper, S. Trovaso ; As- cension, Christ with Saints, S. M. Zobenigo ; Baptism of Christ, S. Silvestro ; Christ wash- ing Disciples' Feet, S. Moise ; Presentation, Circumcision, S. M. del Carmine ; Discovery of Cross, S. M. Mater Domini ; Crucifixion, Resurrection, Descent into Hades, S. Cassi- ano ; Crucifixion, Madonna with the Camer- lenghi, SS. Giovanni e Paolo ; Martyrdom j of SS. Damian and Cosmo, Fall of Manna, Last Supper, Coronation of Virgin, Resur- rection, Martyrdom of St Stephen, S. Giorgio Maggiore ; St. Demetrius, S. Felice ; En- tombment, S. Francesco della Vigna ; Land- scape, St. Roch in the Desert, St. Roch in Campo d' Armata, Finding Body of St. Roch, St. Roch in the Hospital, St. Roch before the Pope, Church of S. Rocco ; St. Mark res- cuing a Saracen, Removal of Body of St. Mark, Libreria Vecchia ; Marriage at Cana, S. M. della Salute. Among the works of Tintoretto in other cities are : Baptism of Christ, Procession to Calvary, St. Jerome, Muses on Parnassus, Susanna at the Bath, Vienna Museum ; Christ on the Cross, Tu- rin Gallery ; Concert of Women, Fallen An- gels, Knight and Two Women, Madonna with Saints, Madonna with Saints, Muses and Graces on Parnassus, Woman taken in Adultery, Dresden Gallery ; Deposition from Cross, Madonna, Resurrection, Venus with Cupid and Vulcan, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Entombment, Parma Gallery ; Ecce Homo, Munich Gallery ; Esther and Ahasuerus, Muses in Olympus, Hampton Court, Eng- land ; St. George and Dragon, National Gallery, London ; St. George and Dragon, Birth of John Baptist, Perseus and Androm- eda, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, Finding of Moses, Judith, Baptism of Christ, Tarquiu and Lu- cretia, and portraits, Madrid Museum ; Leda and Swan, Norton Collection, England ; Luna and the Hours, Madonna, St. Mark, Berlin Museum ; Milky Way, Cobham Hall, England ; Paradise, Susanna at the Bath, Tintoretto (portrait), Louvre, Paris. Tinto- retto painted many fine portraits, one of the best of which is that of a young Vene- tian in the gallery at Cassel. Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xi. 331 ; xiii. 109 ; ed. Mil., vi. 587 ; Dohme, 2iii.; Ch. Blanc, tfcole ve- nitienne ; Burckhardt, 743, 751 ; Ruskin, Stones of Venice ; C. & C., Titian, i. 437 ; Seguier, 170 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie, ii. 171 ; Galanti, Tintoretto, Venice (1876); Osier, Tintoretto, London (1879); Nord u. Sttd, xi. 141 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, vii. 366 ; xiv. 228. 279