Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/341

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TOPI1AM Smoker, Landsknecht on Guard, Schwerin Gallery ; Holy Family, Young Man in Cui- J. rasa, Hermannstadt Museum. Kramm, vi. 1640 ; Quellenschriften, xiv. 349. TOPHAM, FRANCIS WILLIAM, born at Leeds, Yorkshire, April 15, 1808, died at Cordova, Spain, March 31, 1877. His- tory and landscape painter, in oil and water- colours ; began in Leeds as an engraver ; removed in 1829 to London, and became a member of the Society of Water- Colour Painters in 1848. He drew his subjects chiefly from Ireland, Scotland, Spain, and Italy. Works : Deserted Village, Rustic Bridge Hkley (1843); Pilgrims to the Holy Well Ireland (1845) ; Mavoumeen ! Mavourneen! (1846); St. Patrick's Day (1847) ; Irish Courtship ; Spanish Gypsies ; Welsh Cabin ; Preparing for the Fight, Waiting by the Stile (1872) ; Bird's Nest, Love Letter (1873) ; Leaving Church Charity (1874) ; Wayfarers, Welsh Stream (1875) ; Blackberry Gatherers, Haymaking, Loiterers by the Sea (1876) ; Venetian Water Carriers, Eve of the Festa (1877). Art Journal (1876), 210; (1877), 187; (1880), 21 ; C. Carr, Essays, 198. TOPHAM, FRANCIS W. W., born in London in 1838. History painter, son and pupil of Francis William Topham, and pupil of the Royal Academy ; has lived in Italy and France. Works : Fall of Rienzi (1876) ; Relics of Pompeii ; Dinner Time (1877) ; Drawing in Italy for Military Ser- vice (1878); Taming the Shrew, Home after Service (1879) ; Renouncing the Vanities by Order of Savonarola (1881) ; Content, Mes- senger of Good Tidings (1882) ; Roman Triumph, Love and Labour, First Com- munion (1883); Thank Offering, Sonata, Festa dei Morti (1884) ; Sunday in Pom- peii, Queen of the Tournament (1885) ; God and Mammon, Rest, Quiet Harbour (1886). TORBroO, FRANCESCO, first half of 16th century ; living in 1546. Venetian school ; commonly called II Moro. Ac- cording to Vasari, he went as a youth to Venice to study under Giorgione, but in consequence of a quarrel had to return to Verona. He gave up his profession for a time, but finally became a pupil of Libe- rale, who made him his heir. Throughout his career he imitated various painters, though always revealing himself. Second- rate when most original. In his Venetian style he resembles Pompon io Amalteo or Cariani ; and when he works on Giulio Ro- mano's cartoons he is Raphaelesque. Among his works in Verona are a Madonna with Saints, in S. Zeno, altarpieces in S. Eufemia and S. Fermo, and the frescos of the Na- tivity, Presentation, and Assumption of the Virgin (1534), in the choir of the Duomo. The latter are from cartoons by Giulio Ro- mano. Torbido was also an engraver. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 508 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., vi. 107 ; vii. 87 ; ix. 170, 180 ; Burckhardt, 192, 607, 746. TORRENTS, STANISLAS, born at Mar- seilles ; contemporary. Portrait and fig- ure painter, pupil of Couture. Medal, 3d class, 1875. Works : Bacchante (1864) ; The Repetition (1872) ; Death (1875), Mar- seilles Museum ; Vierge au lis (1876) ; The Test (1885) ; Investigation about Trichinte, Man's Head (1886). TORRES, MATIAS DE, born at Espino- sa de los Monteros in 1631, died in Madrid in 1711. Spanish school ; pupil in Madrid of his uncle, Tomas Taurino, an obscure painter, and of Hen-era el Mozo ; painted chiefly large, coarse pictures for processional decorations, but was quite successful in landscapes and battles. Stirling, iii. 1024. TORSSLOW, STEN HARALD, born in Stockholm, Sweden, Feb. 10, 1838. Land- scape painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy, then in Ddsseldorf of Gude, and studied nature in Dalecarlia, Lapland, Austria, and Tyrol (1864), and Norway (1874). Fellow of Stockholm Academy in 1869. Works :