Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/365

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TDSCHER Venice, Grand Canal, Nantes Museum ; Pom- peii, Temple at Paestum, Lyons Museum. Bellier, ii. 602 ; Larousse, xv. 598 ; Nagler, xix. 166. TUSCHER, KARL MARCUS, born at Nuremberg in 1705, died at Copenhagen in 1751. German school ; history painter, pu- pil of Johann Daniel Preissler (1666-1737), then studied in Italy ; went in 1741 to France, Holland, and England, where he made the acquaintance of the Danish trav- eller H. von Norden, for whose work on Egypt he made 158 etchings ; this brought him in 1743 to Copenhagen, where he be- came court painter and professor at the Academy. Work : Sappho and Cupid (1748), Copenhagen Gal- lery. Nagler, xix. 171 ; Weilbach, 718. TUSQUETS, RAMON, born in Catalonia ; con- temporary. Genre paint- er, pupil of Fortuny in Rome, whither he went in 1864. First prize in Madrid in 1865 ; medal, 1871. Works : The Beggar (1865) ; Field Labourers (1871); Farm Yard (1875); Arab before his House ; Lady undressing after Ball ; Women at the WelL La Bustracion, 1877. TWACHTMAN, JOHN H., born in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1853. Landscape painter, pupil of Duveneck, of the Academy, and of Professor Loefftz in Munich in 1875 -77 ; studied in Venice one year. Visited Europe again in 1880. Member of Society of American Artists. Studio in New York. Works : Italian Scene (1878) ; Dry Docks at Venice, Campo Marti Venice (1879); South Cove Jersey (1880) ; Boat Yard (1882) ; Summer (1883) ; Meadow Brook (1884). Am. Art. Rev. (1881), 45. TWELFTH NIGHT, Jacob Jordaens, Vi- enna Museum ; canvas, H. 8 ft X 9 ft. 7 in. Called also Feast of the Bean or of the Bean King, and The King Drinks (Le Roi boit). A company of men and women around a well-spread table, at one end of which the crowned king of the feast is seat- ed in an arm-chair. The repast is nearly ended, but the drinking is at its height. Other representations of the same subject, by Jordaens, are in the Louvre, Paris, Lille Museum, Munich Pinakothek, Bruns- wick Museum, Cassel Gallery, and Berne Museum. TYE, GABRIEL, born at Saint-Paul-de- Mons (Haute-Loire), Feb. 19, 1817, died at Twelfth Night, Jacob Jordaens, Vienna Museum. Saiut-E"tieune (Loire), Feb. 16, 1868. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of Victor Orsel, whom he aided for twenty years in the decoration of the Chapel of the Holy Virgin at Notre Dame de Lorette. Works : Old and New Testament (1850), Ministry of the Interior ; Guardian Angel (1855), Christ among the Doctors, Puy Museum ; Girl with Sistrum (1859), Head of Christ, St. Etienne Museum. Bellier, ii. 603 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1860), viii. 345 ; (1863), xiv. 283 ; Rev. des Deux M. (1851). TYSSENS. See Thys. 309