Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/368

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UITEWAAL painter, pupil in Paris of Munkacsy in 1879 -80, having until 1877 served as officer in the Saxon cavalry ; studied industriously the Dutch masters of genre painting, and settled in Munich. He paints in the man- ner of the modern French realists. Medal, Paris, 3d class, 1885. Works : The Singer, (1880) ; Family Concert (1881) ; Wise Dogs (1881) ; Seamstresses (1882) ; Dutch Tavern Eoom ; Arrival of the Organ Grinder, Drum Practice of Bavarian Soldiers (1883) ; Christ and the Children (1884), Leipsic Museum. Allgera. K Chr., ix. 585 ; L'Art (1882), iii. 62-70 ; Kunst f. Alle, i. 207, 219 ; Kunst- Chronik, xviii. 673 ; xxii. 10 ; Meyer, Couv. Lex., xxi. 920 ; Zeitschv. f. b. K., xvii. 100, 143 ; xix. 260 ; xx. 93. UITEWAAL (Uytenwael, Wte Wael, Wttewael), JOACHIM, born at Utrecht in 1566, died there, Aug. 13, 1638. Dutch school ; history painter, pupil of his father Antonie Wttewael, and of Joost de Beer ; painted mythological subjects in the manner of Bartholomeus Spranger, and of Cornelis van Haarlem, but on account of the reduced scale more pleasing than either. At Padua he made the acquaintance of the Bishop of St. Malo, in whose service he remained four years in Italy and two in France. Works : Meeting of David and Abigail (1597), Am- sterdam Museum ; Mars and Venus sur- prised by Vulcan (1603), Hague Museum ; Fruit Seller, Portraits of Artist and Wife, Utrecht Museum ; Lot and his Daughters, Suermondt Museum, Aix-la-Chapelle ; Re- past of the Gods (1602), Brunswick Gallery ; St. John Preaching (1618), Copenhagen Gal- lery ; Lot and his Daughters, Berlin Muse- um ; Parnassus (1596), Dresden Gallery ; Madonna (1608), Gotha Museum ; Ceres, Bacchus, Venus and Cupid, Hermannstadt Museum ; Marriage of Peleus and Thetis, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Diana and Actseon (1607), Adoration of Shepherds (1607), Vi- enna Museum; do., Madrid Museum; Judg- ment of Paris, Historical Society, New York. Immerzeel, iii. 149 ; Kramm, vi. 1656 ; Eiegel, Beitrilge, ii. 170. ULFT, JACOB VAN DEE, bora at Go- rinchem in 1627, died there after 1688. Dutch school; landscape and architecture painter, c h i e fl y painted views in and about Eome, numerous and well-grouped fig- ures, also Dutch scenery; com- bined good draw- ing with warm and powerful, though some- times heavy, colouring. Execution free and spirited. Probably studied under Both ; visited Italy, where he painted many land- scapes and ruins. Works : Eoman Ruins, Mr. Hope's Collection, London ; Square with Antique Buildings, Fortified Town, Louvre ; Roman Troops Marching (1671), Hague Mu- seum; Italian Harbour, do. City, do. Mar- ket, Museum, Amsterdam ; View of New Town Hall of Amsterdam (1667), City Hall, ib. ; Forum of Nerva Rome, Haarlem Mu- seum ; Continence of Scipio (1674), Rotter- dam Museum ; Trajan's Forum in Rome (1671), Berlin Museum ; Seaport, Chris- tiania Gallery ; Roman Buildings, Darm- stadt Museum ; Landscape with Ruins and Figures, Dresden Gallery ; View in Roman Campagna, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Dutch Harbour, Oldenburg Gallery ; Triumph of Scipio, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Immer- zeel, iii. 150 ; Kramm, vi. 1658 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 510. ULLIK, HUGO, born in Prague in 1838. Landscape painter, pupil of Prague Acad- emy under Haushofer ; worked as a deco- rative and scene painter at Pilsen, Prague, and Pressburg, then was instructor at the industrial school in Prague, and settled at Munich in 1874 ; has repeatedly visited the 313