Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/376

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VAFFLAKD Van den Branden, 401 ; Vlaamsche school (1862), 152. VAFFLAED, PIEERE ANTOINE AU- GUSTIN, born in Paris, Dec. 19, 1777, died there after 1838. History and portrait painter, pupil of J. B. Regnault ; in 1824 he restored some of the paintings in the gal- leries at Versailles, and in the gallery of Diana in the Tuileries ; decorated several churches and palaces in oil and fresco. Court painter to the Due d' Orleans. Medal, 1824. Works : Last Honours to Bertram! Dugues- clin (1806), Eennes Museum; Column of Eosbach (1810), Versailles Museum ; Electra and Orestes (1814), Dijon Museum ; St. Mar- garet cast off by her Father (1817), Sainte Marguerite, Paris ; St. Ambrose saving an Arian Priest (1819), Saint Ambroise, ib.; Pythagoras inspired by the Muses (1819), Versailles Museum ; Death of St. Louis, (1819), Burial Chapel of Orleans Family, Dreux ; Henri IV. in Notre Dame on Day of his Entry into Paris (1819) ; Ulysses and Nausicaii (1822) ; Last Benediction of Bishop Bourlier of Evreux ; Communion of Mary Stuart ; Henri IV. and the Abbess of Mont- martre (1824). Bellier, ii. 606. VAGA, PERINO DEL, born in Florence in 1500, died in Eome, Oct. 14, 1547. U m b r i a n school. Real name Buonac- corsi, but called del Vaga from a Floren- tine painter of that nnme who had given him instruction. Sometimes called o' - also Pierino. Pupil of Andrea de' Ceri, of Ridolfo Ghirlandajo, and of Vaga, who took him to Rome. Em- ployed there by Raphael on the frescos in the Vatican, where he painted history of Joshua and of David. After death of Raphael, he aided Giulio Romano and II Fattore, whose sister he married, in com- pleting their master's works. Painted also in S. Marcello the Creation of Eve, which ihows influence of Michelangelo. After the sack of Rome (1527), he went to Genoa, where he decorated the Palazzo Doria with frescos, now mostly destroyed. About 1542 he returned to Rome, where he painted frescos in Trinita de' Monti and in the Cas- tello S. Angelo. His later works were only designed by him and finished by his pupils. He was buried beside Raphael in the Pan- theon. Vasari, ed. Mil., v. 587 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole ombrienne ; Burckhardt, 8, 177, 179, 181. VAILLANT, WALLERANT, born at Lille, baptized May 30, 1623, died in Am- sterdam, Aug. 28, 1677. Flemish school ; portrait painter, pupil in Antwerp of Eras- mus Quelliu ; painted in 1658 at the Coro- nation in Frankfort the Emperor Leopold, and then many sovereigns of Germany. Went with the Marshal de Grammout to Paris, where he painted the Queen, and many persons of distinction; returned home after four years, and settled in Amsterdam. His brother and pupil, Jacob (1628-1670), commonly called Leeuwerik (lark), was a successful history and portrait painter at the court of the Elector in Berlin ; most of his pictures are in the royal palaces of Ber- lin and Potsdam. Works : Portraits of Man and Wife (1674), Lady with two Chil- dren, Amsterdam Museum ; Managers of Orphanage (1671), Orphan Asylum, Amster- dam ; Portrait of Great Elector, Brunswick Gallery ; do., Royal Palace, Berlin ; Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Cassel Gallery ; Board with Letters Attached (1658), Dresden Gallery ; Male Portrait, Oldenburg Gallery. Bellier, ii. 607 ; Immerzeel, iii. 152 ; Kramm, vi. 1667 ; Kugler, ii. 332 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 279. VAINI, PIETRO, born in Eome in 1847, died in New York in 1875. Subject and portrait painter, studied and painted in 820