Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/381

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VANNUTELLI VANNUTELLI, SCIPIONE, Cavaliere, born in Rome ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil in Vienna of Wurzinger, af- terwards in Paris of Heilbutb. Medal : Paris, 1864 Works : Carnival in Venice ; Gabrielle d'Estrees ; Italian Danae ; Tbe Nigbt ; Agreeable Reading ; Procession in Venice ; Novices in a Roman Churcb, Trio in the Garden (1883). VARCHI, BENEDETTO, portrait, Titian, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. Painted about 1550. Repainted about tbe face. C. & C., Titian, ii. 426. VARGAS, LUIS DE, born in Seville in 1502, died there in 1568. Spanish school ; pupil of Diego de la Bar- rera ; went to It- aly about 1527, according to Cean Bermudez, and studied with Perino del Vaga (?) ; returned to Seville after an absence of twenty-eight years. He is remarkable for grandeur and simplicity of design, and for the purity and grace of his female heads ; his drawing too is correct, and his colouring good. Works : Nativity (1555), and La Gamba (1561), Ca- thedral of Seville. Stirling, i. 307; Ch. Blanc, cole espaguole. VARIN, QUENTIN, born at Amiens in 1580, died about 1645. French school ; history painter, pupil of Gagex and Bona- veutura in Amiens and Beauvais, and then went to Paris, where he became an able painter, and the' master of Nicolas Poussin. Works : Christ in the Temple, St. Germain des Pros, Paris ; St. Charles Borromeo, St. Jacques de la Boueherie, ib. Ch. Blanc, Ecole franyaise. VARLEY, CORNELIUS, born at Hack- ney, near London, Nov. 21, 1781, died at Highbury, Oct. 2, 1873. Landscape paint- er in water-colours, brother and pupil of John Varley ; exhibited first at the Royal Academy in 1803, and in the following year was one of the foundation members of the Water Colour Society. He painted chiefly views in Ireland and Wales and classical scenery. A younger brother, William Fleet- wood Varley (1785-1856), was a water-col- our painter and teacher of drawing at Ox- ford. VARLEY, JOHN, born at Hackney, near London, Aug. 17, 1778, died Nov. 17, 1842. Landscape painter in water-colours ; stud- ied first under a portrait painter and then with an architectural draughtsman ; exhib- ited first, in 1798, View of Peterborough Cathedral. He exhibited at the Royal Acad- emy until 1804, when he became one of the foundation members of the Water Colour Society. He painted many views in Wales and on the Thames, was a successful teach- er, and the author of several drawing-books and other works. His son, Albert Fleet- wood Varley (1804-76), was also a water- colour painter and teacher. VARONI (Varonne, Varrone), JOHANN, born at Bellinzona, Canton Tessiuo, Switzer- land, in 1832. Landscape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Josef Hiiger ; set- tled in Vienna, whence he made frequent study trips into the Austrian Alps, to Italy, and Switzerland. Works : View of Ariccia, do. in Roman Campagna, do. near Olevano, Ruins of Psestum (1855) ; Pine Woods near Frascati (1856) ; Well in the Campagna, St. Gotthard (1858) ; Well near Grotta Ferrata, View of Vienna (1860) ; Nassfeld near Gas- tein, Temple of Coucordia near Girgeutc (1861); St. Bernardino, Switzerland (1862); Views in Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, and Swit- zerland (1863-73) ; Koltschach Valley near Gasteiu (1877). Wurzbach, xlix. 287. VAROTARI, ALESSANDRO. See Pa- dovanino. VASARI, GIORGIO, born at Arezzo, July 30, 1511, died in Florence, June 27, 1574. Florentine school ; pupil of his fa- ther, Antonio Vasari, and afterwards of An- drea del Sarto and of Michelangelo. Went to Rome with Cardinal Ippolito de' Medi-