Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/395

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VENUS for 1,680 150. guineas. C. & C., Titian, By Titian, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 6 ft. x 6 ft. 9 in. Variation of the Alnwick Ve- nus, with Cupid asleep under a tree. Paint- ii. nelli, ib. ; Johann Rottenhfimmer, ib. ; Ales- sandro Turchi (2), Dresden Museum ; Nicolas Poussin, Uffizi, Florence, Montpellier Muse- um ; Fran9ois Boucher, Barker Collection, London ; Narciso Diaz (Salon, 1848, 1859) ; ed in 1554 as a companion-piece (though j Victor Muller (Salon, 1865). larger) to the Danae of Madrid, and sent to London to Philip, Prince of Spain, with Titian's congratulations on his marriage to Queen Mary. Philip acknowledged its re- ceipt, Dec. 6, 1554, and complained of an injury to the canvas, which had been rolled and squeezed flat by acci- dent. The crease is still apparent. Titian was prob- ably aided by Orazio Ve- celli in it, and by others in the replicas in National Gallery, London, and in the collection of Lord El- cho. Modern copies in Nostitz Collection, Prague, and in Duhvich Gallery. C. & C., Titian, ii. 237 ; Va- sari, ed. Mil., vii. 451. By Paolo Veronese, Na- tional Gallery, Edinburgh ; canvas, H. 2 ft. x 2 ft. 8 in. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 274. By Paolo Veronese, Ma- drid Museum ; canvas, H. 7 ft. x 6 ft. 6 in. Adonis reclining on the sward asleep, with his head in the lap of the goddess ; Venus looks towards a cupid and a beautiful dog, anxious to de- part for the chase. Bought by Velasquez in Venice for Philip IV. A very fine example of the painter. Madrazo ; Larousse, xv. 882. Subject treated also by Moretto, Uffizi, Florence ; Paris Bordone, Vienna Museum ; Luca Cambiaso, Palazzo Borghese, Rome ; Anton van Dyck, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Cornells Corneliszen, Caen Museum ; Joseph Heinz, elder, Vienna Museum ; Abraham Jaussens van Nuyssen, ib. ; Caspar Netscher, Louvre, Paris; Giovanni Francesco Roma- VENUS AND ^SCULAPIUS, Edward J. Poynter, South Kensington Museum, Lon- don ; canvas, H. 6 ft. x 8 in. Venus, attended by the Graces, on one of whom she leans for support, is showing the thorn in her foot to .aSsculapius, who is seated in a garden un- Venus and Adonis, Titian, Madrid Museum. der a porch covered with honeysuckle, with a dog lying beside him and Hygieia stand- ing behind holding a box of medicaments ; doves and sparrows are flitting about ; in the background a gateway leads into the te- menos of the temple, and at right is a foun- tain, from which an attendant is dipping water for one of the Graces, who is holding out her hand for it. Royal Academy, 1880 ; purchased for Chantry Collection. En- graved by W. Ridgway. Water-colour sketch, J. P. Haseltine. Art Journal (1885), 324, 340. 839