Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/411

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VEK1IAAGEN at Agra, Reception Hall in Palace at Agra, Tomb of Abraham, do. of Joseph, do. of Samuel, Dead Sea, Well of Jacob, Gilgal, Valley of Esdraelon, Source of Gideon, Cave of Endor, Wall of Solomon, Place where Christ was Baptized, Road to Jordan, Mount Tabor, Mount of Temptation, Hermits on the Jordan, Holy Family, Christ in the Des- ert, do. on Lake Tiberias, The Prophecy, Resurrection. Allgem. K C., ix. 833, 855, 873, 880, 901, 996 ; Art Journal (1885), 9, 38 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1880), xxi. 164 ; H- lustr. Zeitg. (1882), i. 71, 111 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xvii. 49, 276, 387 ; xxi. 273 ; Kunst f. Alle, i. 201 ; Nord u. Slid, xxv. 359 ; Reber- Pecht, iii. 173 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xvii. 195. VERHAAGEN, JORIS. See Hagen. VERHAEGT (van Haecht), TOBIAS, born in Antwerp about 1561, died there iu 1631. Flemish school ; landscape and archi- tecture painter, master of Antwerp guild in 1590, its dean in 1595-96 ; went to Italy, where he painted in fresco at Florence and Rome. Notable as the first master of Ru- bens. Works : Mountainous Landscape with River (1613), Suermondt Museum, Aix- la-Chapelle ; Hunting Adventure of Emper- or Maximilian L (1615), Brussels Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 172 ; Rramm, vi. 1710 ; Michiels, vi. 343 ; Riegel, Beitrage, i. 274 ; Rooses (Reber), 151 ; Van den Branden, 383. VERHAGHEN, PIERRE JOSEPH, born at Aerschot, March 19, 1728, died at Lou- vain, April 3, 1811. History painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy under Beschey, but formed himself chiefly by studying the works of the great masters of the 17th century. In 1744 he settled at Louvain ; in 1771 ap- pointed painter to Prince Charles of Lor- raine, and sent to France and Italy by the Empress Maria Theresa ; well received in Vienna on his return in 1773 from Rome, where he had been much distinguished by Pope Clement XTV., but could not be in- duced to stay, and returned to Louvain. He was remark- able as a colourist. Works: Hagar and Ishmael, Ant- werp Museum; Adoration of Ma- gi, Brussels Mu- seum ; Presenta- tion in Temple (1767), Ghent Mu- seum; St. Stephen, King of Hungary receiving Envoys of Pope Sylvester H. (1770), Vienna Museum. Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Immerzeel, iii. 173 ; Kramm, vi. 1711 ; Michiels, x. 492. VERHAS, JAN, born at Termonde ; con- temporary. Genre painter, especially of scenes from child life. Medals at Philadel- phia, 1876 ; Brussels, 1878 ; Paris, 2d class, 1881 ; Vienna, 1882 ; Berlin, 1884, 1886. Order of Leopold, 1879 ; L. of Honour, 1881. Studio in Brussels. Works : May I come in ? Mother's Portrait ; Seashore at Blan- kenberghe (1876); Inundation, Studio (1877); Girl in the Corner ; Procession of School Children (1880), Brussels Museum ; Preco- cious Master - Painter, Ghent Museum ; Heyst-sur-Mer (1883); Ride on Shore of Sea Resort (1884) ; On the Landing Bridge at Blankenberghe (1885). His brother, Frans, paints in a similar manner. Work : The Lion (1874), Ghent Museum. Miiller, 534 ; D. Rundschau, xx. 471 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xvii. VERHEYDEN, FRANCISCUS, born at Louvain, March 18, 1806. Genre painter, pu- pil in Paris of Je- rome Langlois. Medals : Ghent, 1844 ; Brussels, 1845 ; Order of Leopold. Works : Harvest Festival ; Dealer iu Plas- 361