Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/413

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VERIJNDE Rabbit Hunt (1866) ; Dog at Bay (1869) ; Avidity ; Bad Neighbours ; Quarrelling over the Booty ; Wolf Hunt ; Monkey shaving before Mirror ; Dogs waiting for the Start ; Shepherdess with her Flock ; First Snow ; Not Invited ! Reynard in Hope ; Reynard Deceived ; Storming of Jerusalem, Dog de- fending Herd against Eagle, Brussels Mu- seum ; Buffidoes attacked by Tiger, Zoologi- cal Garden, Amsterdam ; Dog and Parrot, Rooster and Chickens disturbed by Fox, Museum Fodor, ib. ; Ecce Homo, Cruci- fixion (1885) ; Lost the Track, Boar Hunt (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). Illustr. Zeitg. (1870), i. 270 ; Kunst-Chronik, v. 74 ; xiii. 329 ; Mailer, 534 ; Reber-Pecht, iii. 95 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 25, 104 ; xx. 570, 700. VERLINDE, PETRUS ANTONIUS, born at Winoxbergen, France, January, 1801. History painter, pupil of Bruges Academy under Ducq, of Antwerp Academy under Van Bree, and in Paris of Gueriu ; settled in Antwerp, where he became professor at the Academy in 1829 ; painted the great tri- umphal arch for the Rubens festival in 1840, for which the city of Antwerp award- ed him a medal. Member of Royal Society of Fine Arts in Antwerp in 1830, of Royal Society of Sciences and Arts in 1834. Works: Interior of Studio (1827) ; Death of St. Louis ; Repose in Egypt ; Christ and the Woman of Samaria ; Blind Man led by his Daughter. Immerzeel, iii. 179. VERMAY or VERMAYEN. See Ver- meyen. VERMEER (van der Meer van Delft), JOHANNES, born at Delft, baptized Oct. 31, 1632, died there, buried Dec. 15, 1675. Dutch school ; portrait, genre, landscape, and still-life painter, pupil of Karel Fabri- tius, and further developed under the influ- ence of Rembrandt. Master of the guild of Delft in 1653, and was its dean in 1662- 63 and 1670-71. One of the greatest col- ourists, excelling in admirable light effects. Works: Music Lesson (attributed to Jan Steen), Woman peeling Fruit (attributed to Pieter de Hooch), Lord Hertford, London ; Lace Maker, Louvre ; Soldier and Laugh- ing Girl, Double Collection, Paris; Pearl Weigher, Perier Collection, ib. ; Geographer, do. (1665), Pereire Gallery, ib.; Portrait of Young Girl, Arenberg Gallery, Brussels ; Guitar Player, Cremer Collection, ib. ; View of Delft, Hague Museum ; Woman Reading, Amsterdam Museum ; Milkmaid, House in Delft, Six Gallery, ib. ; Entrance to Forest (attributed to Jacob van Ruisdael), Basle Museum ; Girl with Wineglass (La Co- quette), Brunswick Gallery ; Rustic Cottage (now claimed for D. J. van dor Laen, 1759- 1829), Boy blowing Bubbles, Young Lady with Pearl Necklace, Berlin Museum ; Cour- tesan (1G56), Girl reading Letter, Dresden Gallery; Geographer (1669), Stadel Gal- lery, Frankfort ; Woman peeling Apple for Child (attributed to Terburg), Still- Life (1659), Museum, Vienna ; The Prome- nade, Academy, ib. ; Family Reunion, Artist in his Studio (attributed to Pieter do Hooch), Entrance to Grove, Czernin Gal- lery, ib. ; Landscapes (2), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Tavern Interior with Soldiers (attributed to Jan Le Ducq), Borghese Gal- lery, Rome.- daise ; Burger, Musees, i. 272 ; ii. 67 ; Dohme, Iii.; Gaz. des B. Arts (1866), xxi. 297, 458, 542 ; (1883), xxvii. 389 ; xxviii. 213 ; Kramm, vi. 1725 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 381 ; Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 68 ; xxi. 234 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., ii. 167 ; iii. 262 ; iv. 140, 360 ; x. 34 ; xi. (Mittheilungen, iv. 11). VERMEERSCH, IVO AMBROS, born at Maldeghem, near Ghent, Jan. 9, 1810, died in Munich, May 24, 1852. Architecture painter, pupil of Ghent Academy under P. F. de Noter ; settled in 1841 at Munich, whence he visited Italy several times. 363