Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/417

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VERNET and 1853, and Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and Turkey in 1839-40. Officer L. of Honour, 1825; Commander, 1842; Grand Officer, 1862 ; Medal of Honour, Paris Exhibition 1855. Vernet painted successfully military, oriental, and biblical scenes, but after 1836 be devoted himself chiefly to battle-pieces and pieces illustrative of Arab life in Al- geria. With wonderful facility of invention and execution, he had little imagination or depth of feeling. He is nevertheless to be classed among the great French painters on account of the change which he wrought from pseudo-classicism to that observation and close study of nature which characterize the modern schools. Works : Taking of In- trenched Camp at Glatz (1812) ; Dog of the Regiment ; Horse with the Trumpet (1814) ; Battle of Tolosa (1817), Versailles Museum ; Massacre of Mamelukes (1819) ; Defence of Paris in 1814 (1820), Louvre; Battle of Jemappes, The Working Soldier, Soldier of Waterloo, Last Cartridge, Camoens saving his Manuscripts from Shipwreck, Scenes from Moliere's Plays (5), Artist's Studio, Death of Poniatowski, Defence of Saragossa, Joseph Vernet bound to the Mast (1822) ; Review on Champ de Mars (1824), Versailles Museum ; Mazeppa (1825), Vaucluse Mu- seum ; Mazeppa (1826), Avignon Museum ; Last Hunt of Louis XVI. at Fontainebleau (1827) ; Julius H directing the Building of the Vatican (ceiling in the Louvre) ; Bridge of Arcole ; Escape of Lavalette, Edith searching for Body of Harold (1828) ; Mag- dalen Penitent (1828), Leipsic Museum ; Pope Leo XH. earned to the Basilica of St. Peter (1829), Versailles Museum ; Battles of Jemappes and Valmy, Brigands and Cara- bineers, Brigand Confessing, Hunting in the Pontine Marshes, Meeting of Raphael and Michelangelo, Arrest of the Princes by Order of Anne of Austria (1829) ; Judith and Holofernes (1830), Louvre ; Campaign in France ; Slave Market (1836), National Gallery, Berlin ; Soldier as Nurse, Ravene Gallery, ib. ; Portrait of the Emperor Nicho- las, do. on Horseback, Capture of Warsaw (1842) ; The Carrousel in May, 1842, Capt- ure of Wola (1844) ; Capture of the Sinala of ylW-el-Kader (1844), Battle of Isly (1845); Capture of Rome (1851), Versailles Muse- um ; Joseph sold by his Brethren, Return from Lion Hunt, Hunting wild Sheep in Morocco, Mass in Kabylia (1852) ; Eques- trian Portrait of Napoleon HI., Incident of Crimean War (1855) ; Battles of Bouvines, Foutenoy, Jena, Friedland, and Wagram (1836), Siege of Constantino (3, 1838, 1839), French Fleet forcing Entrance into the Ta- jo, Attack of Citadel of Antwerp (1840), En- try of French Army into Belgium in 1831 (1841), Occupation of Ancona in 1832, Taking of Bougie, do. of Fort Saint Jean d'Ulloa (1841), seven others, Versailles Mu- seum ; Expulsion of Hagar (1839), The Dead Ride fast, Nantes Museum ; Portraits of Marshals Gouvion Saint Cyr (1824), Molitor (1833), Bosquet, Canrobert, Randon (1857), MacMahon, Versailles Museum ; Marshal Vaillaut, Dijon Museum ; General Drouot, Nancy Museum. His works number about 800. Art Journal (1863), 52; L' Artiste (1842), i. 357; (1854), xiv. 62; (1857), ii. 177 ; Les Beaux Arts, vi. 3, 4, & 5, Livr. ; Bellier, ii. 657 ; Bertholon and Lhote, H. V.

'i Versailles, au Luxembourg et an Louvre

(Paris, 1863) ; Beulc', Eloge de H. V. (Paris, 1863); Biog. univ., xliii. 208; Ch. Blanc, ficole franyaise, iii. ; Claretie, Peintres, etc. (1874), 65 ; La critique francaise, Feb. 15, 1863 ; Durande, as above ; fitienne de Joux and Jay, Salon d'H. V. (Paris, 1822) ; Fine Arts Quarterly, ii. 12G ; Fourcault de Pa- vaiit, H V. (Versailles, 1863) ; Goupil-Fes- quet, Voyage en Orient fait avec H. V. (Paris, 1843) ; Hamerton, French Painters, 30 ; L'Ulustration, Dec. 25, 1847 ; June 10, 1848 ; Sept. 1, 1849 ; Feb. 21, 1851 ; Jan. 24, 1863 ; Jal, 1257 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 231 ; Journal des Debats, Jan. 24, 1863 ; Larousse ; Laurent, Lugendes d'atelier (Paris, 1859) ; Lomenie, Galerie des contemporains, H. V. (Paris, 1842); Meyer, Gesch., 188, 424; Mirecourt, Les Contemporains, H. V. (Paris, 1855-57) ; Mouiteur, Jan. 23, 1863 ; Nou- 357