Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/431

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VIEIIGE sur la vio, etc. (Paris, 1809) ; Nouvelle biog. gen.,xlvi. 131 ; Revue univ. cles Arts, xvii. 20. VIERGE AUX BALANCES. See Ma- donna of the Scalea VIEKGE AU BAS-RELIEF. See Ma- donna of the Bas-Relief. VIERGE A LA CEINTURE. See Ma- donna a la Ceinture. VIERGE AUX CERISES. See Madonna of the Cherries. VIERGE AU CHAPELET. See Madon- na with Rosary. VIERGE AU CHARDONNERET. See Madonna del Cardelliuo. VIERGE CONSOLATRICE. See Ma- donna of Consolation. VIERGE A LA COQUILLE. See Holy Family, Domenichino. VIERGE COUPEE. See Madonna, Mu- rillo, Lord Overstone. VIERGE AU COUSSIN VERT. See Ma- donna of the Green Cushion. VIERGE A LA CROIX. See Madonna della Tenda. VIERGE AU DIADEME. See Madonna with Diadem. VIERGE AU DONATAIRE. See Madon- na di Foligno. VIERGE DE L'ECHELLE. See Pietd, Correggio. VIERGE A LA GRAPPR See Madonna with the Grapes. VIERGE AU LAPIN. See Madonna del Coniglio. VIERGE AU LEZARD. See Repose in Egypt. VIERGE AU LINGE. See Madonna with Diadem. VIERGE DE LA MAISON D'ALBE. See Madonna della Casa d'Alba. VIERGE AU PALMIER. See Holy Fam- ily of the Palm. VIERGE AU PANIER. See Madonna della Cesta. VIERGE AUX ROCHERS. See Madon- na among the Rocks. VIERGE DE SEVILLE. See Holy Fam- ily, Murillo, Louvre. VIERGE DE LA VICTOIRE. See Ma- donna della Vittoria. VIERGE AU VOILE. See Madonna with Diadem. VIGEE-LEBRUN. See Lebrun. VIGER, (JEAN LOUIS) HECTOR, born at Argentan (Orne), Oct. 25, 1819, died in Paris, March 15, 1879. History painter, pupil of Monvoisin, Delaroche, and Drol- ling ; afterwards influenced by Lehmann. Works: St. Ann and the Virgin (1847), Saint Lazare, Paris ; The Virgin working in the Temple (1850), Saint Jean d'Angel, ib. ; Death of Virgil (1857), Langres Muse- um ; Christ on the Cross (1864), Palais de Justice, Paris ; Empress Josephine before the Coronation (1865), Marseilles Museum ; Martyrdom of St. Denis and his Compan- ions (1867), Saint Jacques duHaut-pas, Paris ; Pas de Gavotte (1868), Argentan Museum ; Les libellules (1870), Alencon Museum ; Je ne pars plus (1870), Unexpected Return (1872), Orleans Museum ; Corinne (1873), Argentan Museum ; A Visit to St. Peter's in Rome (1874), Cherbourg Museum ; First Distribution of the Legion of Honour in the Church of the Invalids, Palais de la Legion d'honneur, Paris. Belliei', ii. 677. VIGNE, FELIX DE, born in Ghent, March 16, 1806, died Dec. 5, 1862. Histo- ry and genre painter, son and pupil of Igna- tius de Vigne (1767-1840), and in Brussels of Paelinck ; was very successful in rendering the character and costumes of the middle ages ; distinguished also as a writer on art. Professor at the Academy and president of Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Ghent. Order of Leopold. Works : Mary of Bur- gundy interceding for the Ministers Hugo- net and Imbercourt ; Philip van Artevelde addressing People of Ghent ; Antiquity Cab- inet of H. Goltzius ; Three Stages in Life of Woman ; Market in 15th Century, Ghent Museum ; Wedding of the Painter Van der Meere at Ghent ; Abrocomas and Anthia, Brussels Museum ; Children by a Wine-Cel- lar, Pavilion, Haarlem. His brother, Edou- ard de Vigne (born in Ghent, Aug. 4, 1808, 387