Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/433

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VILLAGE lage inn. Many small figures. Painted in 1811 for J. Aiigerstein, who paid for it 800 guineas ; bought with his collection in 1824. Engraved by C. W. Marr ; G. Mosse ; E. Smith; W. Finden; W. Greatbach; P. Lightfoot. Cat. Nat. GaL ; Heaton, Works of Sir D. W. ; Cat. Angerstein Gal., No. 30. VILLAGE LADIES (Demoiselles du vil- lage), Gustave Courbet, Thomas Wiggles- worth, Boston ; canvas, H. G f t. x 7 f t. Three ladies, standing in foreground, giving alms bach. Heaton, Works of D. W. ; Painters of Georgian Era, 51 ; Redgrave, Century, ii. 257. VILLAVICENCIO, Don PEDRO NU- NEZ DE, born at Seville in 1G35, died there in 1700. Spanish school ; pupil of Murillo, and though only an amateur, won distinc- tion. Becoming a knight of St. John of Jerusalem, went to Malta and studied there under H Calabrese ; on his return to Seville joined the Academy and resumed his friend- Village Fettival, David Teniers, younger, Vienna Museum. to a beggar girl ; a dog is beside them, and two cows at right ; background, a landscape of rolling hills. Painted in 1852 ; Paris Ex- hibition, 1855. Art Treasures of America, iii. 84 VILLAGE POLITICIANS, Sir David Wilkie, Earl of Mansfield, England. A group of rustics in heated discussion around a table in a kitchen, with others near a fire in the background. Royal Academy, 1806 ; sold to Lord Mansfield for 35 guineas. Sketch at Hadzor. Engraved by A. Raim- ly relations with Murillo, who died in his Painted historical and genre sub- arms. jects and portraits. Works : Boys playing Dice, Museo del Prado ; Infant Christ bear- ing a Cross, Suermondt Museum, Aix-la- Chapelle ; Two Boys playing Dice, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg. Stirling, iii. 1104 ; Ch. Blanc, cole espagnole ; Madrazo ; Cur- tis, 336. VILLEGAS, JOSE"; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Mariaus Fortuny, whose manner he follows. Studio in Rome.