Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/439

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VIOLLET-LE-DUC VIOLLET-LE-DUC, ETIENNE ADOLPHE, born in Paris in 1817, died there in 1878. Landscape painter, pupil of Leon Fleury and of F. L. Franjais. Medals : 3d class, 1852, 1861 ; medal, 1870. Works: Valley of Jouy (1870) ; do. from Heights of Metz (1872) ; Isles of Hyeres, Environs of Cannes (1874) ; West Entrance to Ferme du Mont at fitretat, East do. (1875) ; Aqueduct of Buc (1876); Plateau of Amontat Etretat, Beach at do. (1877). VIRGEN DE BELEN. See Madonna de Belen. VIRGEN DE LA FAJA. See Madonna a la Ceinture. VIRGEN DE LA MANZANA. See Ma- donna of the Apple. VIRGEN DEL FEZ. See Madonna del Pesce. VIRGEN DE LA SERVILLETA. See Madonna de la Servilleta. VIRGIN, BIRTH OF, Annibale Carracci, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, arched, H. 8 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft The Eternal, in a glory of angels, presides over the birth of the Virgin, who is cared for by women in foreground ; in back- ground, St. Anna in bed aided by attend- ants ; near her, Joachim and two women. Painted for church of pontifical palace at Loreto ; later in Musee Napoleon. En- graved by R. V. Audenaerd. Villot, Lou- vre ; Landon, Mus6e, xii. PL 10. By Domenico Ghirlandajo. See Virgin, Life of. By Murillo, Louvre, Paris; canvas, H. 6 ft. x 11 ft. 10 in. In a chamber, around n copper vessel prepared to bathe the babe, are two angels and four women, one of whom holds the infant while another brings linen ; to left of them two cherubs, one playing with a dog ; on extreme left, St. Anna sitting in bed, receiving St. Joachim and others ; on right, two women drying linen at a fire- place ; above, five cherubs in a glory. Painted in 1655 for Cathedral of Seville ; carried off by Soult ; bid in at Soult sale (1852) at 90,000 francs ; acquired by the government in 1858 at 150,000 francs. En- graved by A. Martinet ; L. Massard ; A. Masson ; etched by Damman. C. Bermu- dez, Carta, 59 ; Ford, Handbook, 180 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1875), xi. 180 ; Klass. der Ma- lerei, ii. PL 66 ; Curtis, 142 ; Ruveil, vii. 471. Birth of the Virgin, Annibale Carracci, Louvre, Paris. VIRGIN, CONCEPTION OF. See Con- ception. VIRGIN, CORONATION OF, Fra An- gelica, Louvre ; wood, H. 7 ft. x 6 ft. 11 in. Christ, enthroned, crowning the Virgin in the presence of many angels and saints. In predella, seven scenes from life of St. Dom- inick, called the Miracles of St. Dominick. Painted for S. Domenico, Fiesole, whence taken by the French in invasion of 1812. Engraved by Ternite ; A Francois (1867) ; 875