Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/446

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VIRGIN Bultynck, a currier of Bruges, who present- ed it to his guild in 1479 ; dedicated in 1480 in Chapel of the Tanners, Bruges, where it remained until about 1780, when it was presented to the Austrian Governor- General of Brabant ; passed in 1813 from the Brion family at Brussels to the Collec- tion of the Boisseree brothers ; acquired thence by the Pinakothek. Engraved by E. Schiiffer ; R. Peztsch in Forster's Denk- male. Lithographed by Strixner, Frey- mann. Kugler (Crowe), i. 97 ; Eastlake, Notes, 139. VIRGIN, SEVEN SORROWS OF THE, Hans Memling, Turin Gallery ; wood, H. 1 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. The story of the Passion, in a landscape. In background, the Entrance of Christ into Jerusalem ; then the Saviour in the House of the Pharisee, and the Last Supper ; next, nearer the spectator, the Be- trayal by Judas, the Flagellation, the March to Calvary, the Crucifixion, the Descent from the Cross, the Resurrection, the De- scent into Limbus, the Appearance to the Magdalen, and the Supper at Emmaus. In the foreground, a donor and his wife are kneeling. There are hundreds of figures in this miniature, all of them delicately finished and brilliantly coloured. Probably the cen- tral part of an altarpiece, painted in 1477- 78, by order of Willem Vrelandt, for the booksellers' chapel in Bruges. The donors nre supposed to be Vrelandt and his wife. The picture was sold in 1624. Saved from the plunder of the Dominican Convent of Bosco, near Alessandria, Piedmont, in the French Revolution, and subsequently pre- sented to the king. The wings are sup- posed to be lost. C. &C., Flemish Painters, 2G7. VIRGINIA, DEATH OF, G. G. Lethiere, Louvre ; canvas, H. 15 ft. x 25 ft. 8 in. ; signed, dated 1828. Virginius, having slain his daughter, holds up the bloody knife and threatens Appius Claudius, the Decemvir. Salon, 1831 ; presented to Louvre in 1848 by M. Bayard. Original study in Salon of 1795. VISCH, MATHIAS DE, born at Reninghe, West Flanders, in 1702, died at Bruges, April 23, 1765. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, pupil at Bruges of Jo- seph van den Kerckhove ; was the first to win (1720) the prize at the newly founded Academy, went in 1723 to Paris and thence soon after to Italy, visiting Rome, Venice, where he studied under Piazzetta, then Parma and Piacenza; returned to Bruges after nine years' absence, established a suc- cessful life-model school in 1735, and be- came professor at the Academy in 1739. Works : Hagar consoled by the Angel, St. Jacques, Bruges ; Allegory of Fine Arts, Portraits of Himself (2, one dated 1740), do. of the Painter Suweyns (1740), Academy, ib. Immerzeel, iii. 197 ; Weale, Cat. Bruges Acad., 91. VISCHER, AUGUST, born at Waldan- gelloch, Baden, in 1822. History and genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Cornelius and Schnorr, and of Antwerp Academy under Wappers and Deitmann, then of De Block ; settled in Munich in 1850, visited Paris in 1853-54 ; became Ba- den court painter in 1864 and professor at the Polytechnic Institute in Carlsruhe in 1870. Gold medal, 1851. Works : Sailors' Dance in Dutch Tavern, Scene in Baden Revolution, Diana of Poitiers before Francis I. (1850); Capture of Olden Barneveld (1851), Coligny at St. Quentin surprised by the Spaniards (1852), Carlsruhe Art Union ; Capture of Gotz von Berlichingen ; Capture of Francis L at Pavia (1857) ; Berthold of Zahringen defeating the Milanese at Cassa- no in 1158 (1864), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Storm- ing of Rome by the Germans (1875). In fresco : Storming of Ofen by Elector Max Emanuel, Entry of Elector Max Joseph into Munich in 1799, National Museum, Munich. Dioskuren (1870), 185 ; Kaulen, 310 ; Re- gnet, ii. 286. VISITATION, Mariotto Albertinelli, Uffizi, Florence ; wood, small figures ; dated 1503. Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (Luke i. 39). The Virgin and Elizabeth meet under a dec- 382