Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/451

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VLEUGHELS d'Ypres, worked for awhile at Malines, then studied at Antwerp under Jacob Floris (brother of Frans Floris) ; went to Italy about 1559, and worked in Venice under Tintoretto ; in Home, where he studied the works of Michelangelo, he assisted Girolamo Muziano in the Vatican and in the Villa d'Este, painting the figures in his land- scapes. Having visited Naples, he returned home via Germany ; but in spite of his great skill met with no success, and died in poverty. He was the master of Karel van Mander, in whose time, even, his works were already rare. Fetis, Lea Artistes beiges a 1'etranger, ii. 350 ; Michiels, vi. 125 ; Splen- deurs de 1'art en Belgique, 117. VLEUGHELS. See Wleucjhels. VLIEGER, SIMON DE, born in Rotter- dam about 1600, died in Amsterdam shortly before 1660. Dutch school ; marine and landscape painter, supposed pupil of "Willem van de Velde the elder ; entered guild at Delft in 1634, and became a citizen of Am- sterdam. He was the first to represent with great truth the ocean under its differ- ent aspects. He had a pure feeling for nature, and excelled in aerial perspective, freedom of touch, and softness of execution. Works : Coast of Scheveningen, Bridge- water Gallery, London ; Naval Battle on the Slaak (1633), Amsterdam Museum ; Slight- ly Agitated Sea (163-), Berlin Museum ; do. (1632), Baron Minutoli's Collection, Schloss Fridersdorf, Silesia ; Storm at Sea, Fort Bath on the Scheldt, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; River Maas with Vessels, Zuyder Zee with Vessels, Marine (1660), Copenha- gen Gallery ; Landscape with Hunters, Ma- rines, Stockholm Museum ; Calm Sea with Vessels (3, one dated 1654), Schwerin Gal- lery ; do. (1649), Museum, Vienna ; Wood Landscape (1640), Marines (2), Liechten- stein Gallery, ib.; Storm at Sea, Czernin Gallery, ib. ; Arrival of Prince of Orange at Vliessingen, Agitated Sea (1624), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Calm Sea (2), Peterhof ; others in the Louvre, in Museums and Gal- leries of Antwerp, Augsburg, Basle, Dres- den, Frankfort, Gotha, Konigsberg, and Weimar. Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollandaise ; Immerzeel, iii. 202; Kramm, vi. 1780 ; Kug- ler (Crowe), ii. 494 ; Zeitechr. f. b. K, xxi. 324. VLIET, HENDRIK CORNELJSZ VAN (van der), born at Delft in 1611 or 1612, died there in October, 1675. Dutch school ; genre, portrait, and architecture painter, pupil of his uncle Willem van Vliet, and of Mierevelt ; painted church interiors with fine aerial and lineal perspective ; also por- traits, and genre pictures by lamplight, in the style of Schalcken. Works : Lady's Portrait (1671), Haarlem Museum ; Interior of Protestant Church (1666), Rotterdam Museum ; do. (1652), Moltke Collection, Copenhagen ; do. (1659), Schwerin Gallery ; Interior of Church in Delft, Hague Muse- um ; do. (1654), Amsterdam Museum ; do., Stockholm Museum ; Merry Old Soldier (1647), Copenhagen Gallery ; Monument to William of Orange (1663), Amalienstift, Dessau ; do., Stockholm Museum ; Return of Jephtha, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg. Interiors : Ghent Museum (2) ; Berlin Mu- seum ; Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Vienna Academy ; Hermit- age, St. Petersburg. Burger, Husoes, ii. 312 ; Kramm, vi. 1780 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 513 ; Stuers, 176 ; Schlie, 667 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xxi. 324. VLIET, WILLEM VAN DER, born at Delft in 1586, died in 1644. Dutch school ; history and portrait painter, whose works are very rare. Works : Portrait of a Jesuit, National Gallery, London ; Male Portrait, Brussels Museum ; do. (1632), Leipsic Mu- seum ; Female Portrait (1624), Liechten- stein Gallery, Vienna. By Jan Joris van 387