Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/458

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vos VOS, CORNELIS DE, the elder, born at Hulst in the summer of 1585, died in Ant- werp, May 9, 1651. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of David Remeeus ; master of the guild of Antwerp in 1608, its dean in 1619-20. He formed several pupils, notably Jean Cossiers and Simon de Vos, with whom he is often confounded. Belongs to the school of Van Dyck, whose friend he was, and who painted his portrait. Works: Episode in Life of St. Norbert, Adoration of the Magi, Vow to the Virgin, several portraits, Muse- um, Antwerp ; Descent from the Cross, Ca- thedral, ib. ; Artist and his Family, Brussels Museum ; Portrait of Young Lady (1620), Suermondt Museum, Aix-la-Chapelle ; Alle- gory on Riches, Rotterdam Museum ; do., Brunswick Museum ; Male Portraits (2), Cassel Gallery ; The Hutten Family, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Cleopatra before An- tony at Tarsus, Portrait of a Lady (1617), Oldenburg Gallery ; Two Scenes in Life of St. George, Stuttgart Museum ; Married Couple on Terrace (1629), Painter's Daugh- ters, Berlin Museum ; Lady and Three Gen- tlemen at a Game, Stockholm Museum ; Family Group, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Solomon anointed King, Vienna Museum ; Portraits of Frans Snyders and Wife, Turin Gallery ; Triumph of Bacchus, Apollo and Python, Venus, Madrid Museum ; Portrait of Young Girl, New York Museum. Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers, 133 ; Kramm, vi. 1793 ; Michiels, viii. 293 ; Riegel, Beitrage, ii. 92 ; Rooses (Reber), 347 ; Van den Branden, 639, 653. VOS, MARTEN DE, the elder, born in Antwerp in 1532, died there, Dec. 17, 1603. Vos Flemish school ; history and portrait paint- er, pupil of his father, Pieter de Vos (born in 1490), and of Frans Floris, af- terwards of Tin- toretto at Ven- ice. On his re- turn to Antwerp he established a school ; was re- ceived into guild of St. Luke in 1559, dean in 1572. He was one of the most prolific paint- ers of his time. Works : Raising of Lazarus, Samson and Delilah, Madrid Museum ; St. Paul stung by Viper, Louvre ; Crucifixion, Triptych with Incredulity of St. Thomas (1574), Temptation of St. Anthony (1594), thirty others, Museum, Antwerp ; several, Cathedral, ib. ; Portraits of Man and Wife, Brussels Museum ; Holy Family (1585), Ghent Museum ; Moses with the Law Tables (1575), Hague Museum ; Jesus on the Sea of Tiberias (1589) ; Prophet Jonah cast into the Sea (1589), Mythological Allegory, Su- sanna and the Elders, Israelites crossing the Red Sea, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Crucifixion, Schleissheim Gallery; do., and Portrait of the Artist, Museum, Vienna; Raising of Lazarus, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Pieta, Baptism of Christ, Harrach Gallery, ib. ; Hermit in Prayer, Wiesbaden Gallery ; Earthly Paradise, and several portraits, Uf- fizi, Florence. His son, Marten (born 1576), was also a paint- er. Ch. Blanc, ficole flamande, Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers, 122; Immerzeel, iii. 207 ; Kramm, vi. 1797 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 239 ; Michiels, v. 420 ; Rooses (Reber), 101 ; Van den Branden, 216. VOS, PAULUS DE, born at Hulst about 1590, died in 1678. Flemish school ; ani- mal painter ; most successful imitator of Snyders, his brother-in-law. Painted a _ ^. /^ _ / ~/ /~ I f- ^ VJUJ'jT

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