Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/46

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REGEMORTER sterdam Museum ; Interior of Garret, Man and Wife at Table in Front of House (1839), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Eembraudt paint- ing an Ape in a Family-Group (1832) ; Wed- ding of Jan Steen (1836) ; Van Craesbecke testing his Wife's Love (1839); Wedding of Prince de Ligne (1841) ; King Leopold I. and Queen Victoria visiting Tomb of Ru- bens (1843) ; Peasant Brawl, Italian Fam- ily Travelling (1854) ; Kirmess near Ant- werp (1860). Immerzeel, iii. 8 ; Kramm, v. 1344. REGEMORTER, PETRUS JOHANNES VAN, born in Antwerp, Sept. 8, 1755, died there, Nov. 17, 1830. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy, and perfected himself by study of old masters in a private gallery at Antwerp. Dean of the guild in 1785 ; professor at the Acad- emy in 1796-1804. He was one of the del- egates sent to Paris by the city of Antwerp in 1815 to reclaim the pictures carried off by the French in 1794, and on his return was awarded a medal struck in his honour. Excelled in painting moonlight scenes, and possessed an unusual talent for restoring old pictures, of which he saved more than three thousand for posterity ; formed many pu- pils. Works : Figures in Landscape by Lucas van Uden, Antwerp Museum ; Peas- ant Company in Vine Arbour (1796), Assem- bly of Ladies and Gentlemen (2), Gotha Museum. Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers, 513 ; Im- merzeel, iii. 7. REGILLO. See Pordenone. REGIMENT, PASSING (Regiment qui passe), Edouard Detaille, Corcoran Gallery, AVashington ; canvas, 4 ft. 2 in. square. A regiment of the line passing down the Boulevard St. Martin at the close of a wet, snowy day in December. On extreme right is a portrait of Meissonier ; in background, Portes St. Martin and St. Denis. Salon, 1875 ; exhibited in Brussels, where bought for Corcoran Gallery. Art Treasures of America, i. 7 ; Corcoran Gal. Cat. REGNAULT, (ALEXANDRE GEOR- GES) HENRI, born in Paris, Oct. 30, 1843, died there, Jan. 19, 1871. Genre painter, pupil of Montfort, Lamothe and Cabanel. Won the grand prix de Rome in 1866, and spent the next two years in Italy ; then went to Spain, where he made himself famous by an equestrian port rait of General Prim. In 1869 he revisited Italy, and in the next year went to Africa, whence he re- turned to iight in the German War, and was killed at Buzenval during a sortie of the 69th Battalion of the National Guards, in which he had enrolled himself. His untime- ly death threw a halo about his name, and enhanced the already great reputation which lie enjoyed as a painter of uncommon talent, surpassed by few in energy of expression and feeling for colour. Works : Automedon (1867), Boston Museum, 1884, on deposit ; Portrait of General Prim (1869), Louvre ; Judith (1869) ; Salome (1870); Execution in Granada (1870), Louvre ; Judith and Holo- fernes, Marseilles Museum ; Veturia at the Feet of Coriolanus ; Thetis giving to Achil- les the Arms of Vulcan ; Going to the Fan- tasia in Tangiers, (Knoedler and Company, New York) ; The Pasha leaving Tangiers (left unfinished) ; Haoua ; Hassan and Na- mouna ; Inside a Harem ; Mountain Road in the Pyrenees, John G. Johnson, Philadel- phia. Bellier, ii. 350 ; Ch. Blanc, Artistes de mon Temps, 347 ; Bailliere, Henri Re- gnault (Paris, 1872); Claretie, Peintres, etc. (1882), i. 1 ; Cazalis, Henri Regnault (Paris, 1872); Gaz. desB. Axis (1872), v. 66 ; (1873), vii. 119 ; (1882), xxv. 430 ; Old and New, xi. 99 ; Hamerton, Mod. Frenchmen, 334 ; Marx, H. Regnault (Paris, 1886) ; Na- tion, xvi. 13 ; Temple Bar, Iviii. 344 ; D. Rundschau, xvi. 306 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xv. 93. REGNAULT, JEAN BAPTISTS, Baron, born in Paris, Oct. 19, 1754, died there, Nov. 12, 1829. Genre painter, pupil of Bardin 18