Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/461

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VRIENDT contemporaries. History painters in Brus- sels, with an archaic tendency in opposition to the realism of the day. Order of Leo- pold. Works by Albert : Charles V. at San Yuste ; Jacobea of Bavaria interceding for her Husband ; Pope Paul HI. before Lu- ther's Portrait (Munich Exhibition, 1883). Works by Julian : St. Elizabeth expelled by Inhabitants of Eisenach ; Last Days of Vir- gin in Jerusalem, Palace Guard under Kings of Judea, St. Cecilia in Prison (Munich Ex- hibition, 1883). MiiUer, 541 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xix. 313. VRIENDT, FRANS DE. See Floris. VRIES, ABRAHAM DE, born at Rotter- dam, died at The Hague before or in 1662. Dutch school ; portrait painter, active at Amsterdam about 1632, when he appears to have been influenced by Dirck van Sant- voort and Thomas de Keyser, while after- wards he followed the manner of Rembrandt. Registered in the guild at The Hague in 1644. Works : Portrait of David de Moor (1640), Amsterdam Museum ; Portrait of a Burgomaster (1639), do. of Old Lady (1644), Rotterdam Museum ; Portrait, Berlin Muse- um ; Lady in Mourning (1692), Old Pin- akothek, Munich. Meyer, Gemiilde konigl. Mus., 515 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xviii. 346. VRIES, ADRIAAN DE, born in The Hague in 1601, died after 1643. Dutch school ; portrait painter. The frequently false signatures upon his pictures have rob- bed him of well-deserved fame. Rubens and Van Dyck, who were his friends, highly esteemed his talent Works : Portraits in Leyden, Got ha (1643), Dresden (1639), New York, and Vienna Museums, and Schleissheim Gallery. Gaz. des B. Arts (1872), vi. 479 ; Kramm, vi. 1803. VRIES, JAN FREDEMAN DE, born at Leeuwarden in 1527, died in 1608. Dutch school ; architecture painter. First appren- ticed for five years to the glass painter, Reyer Gerritszen, in Amsterdam. Being employed in 1569 on the triumphal arch for the entry of Charles V. into Antwerp, he was led to study the works of Vitruvius and Serlio. He then painted in Mechlin, Frankfort, Brunswick, Prague, Hamburg, Dantzic, etc., many fine perspective views, enlivened with well-drawn figures. His compositions are ingenious and varied, and treated in a delicate, clear tone. Works : Ave Maria in a House Interior, Mr. Robin- son's Collection, London ; Interior of Ant- werp Cathedral (figures by Peeter Brueghel, the elder), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Interior of Cathedral at Aix-la-Chapelle, Stuttgart Museum ; Gothic Church Interior, Architec- tural Pieces (4, two dated 1596), Vienna Mu- seum ; Allegories, Town Hall, Dantzic. Im- merzeel, iii. 210 ; Kraiuni, vi. 1804 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 262; Engerth, Belved. Gal., ii. 540. VRIES, ROELOF (or Reiuier) DE, 17th century. Dutch school ; landscape painter, in the manner of Jacob van Ruisdael, per- haps his pupil ; flourished at Haarlem about 1643-69. Works : The Hunt (with Barend Graat), Pigeon House, Coursing, New York Museum ; Stag Hunt, Brussels Museum ; Rustic Mansion, Amsterdam Museum ; A Herd, Hague Museum ; Castle Ruins on a River, Copenhagen Gallery ; Wooded Land- scape, Brunswick Gallery ; Ruins on the Water, Tower by Woods, Wooded Land- scape with Herd, Berlin Museum ; Mill in the Woods, Old Pinakothek, Munich. Oth- ers in Stildel Gallery, Frankfort (4) ; Augs- burg Gallery ; Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Fer- dinandeum, Innsbruck (?); Leipsic Museum (?) ; Schleissheim Gal- ~ lery ; Harrach, and f / / Liechtenstein Gal- O Wi leries, Vienna ; Turin Gallery (3). Archief vor nederl. Kunst- gesch., ii. 80 ; Meyer, Gemiilde konigl. Mus., 516 ; De Stuers, 180 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, vii. 278. VROMANS, NICOLAAS, called the Snake Painter, born 1655 (?) or 1660, died 1719. Dutch school ; painted plants and shrubbery, with frogs, snakes, mice, spiders, etc., with 4 r . / 397