Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/464

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WACHSMUTH Church, ib.; Eesurrection (1819); Last Sup- per (1819), SS. Peter and Paul's, Moscow; The Nine Muses (1820); Nymph (1835); Holy Family; Judith (1838); St. John in the Desert; Introduction of Christianity in Pomerania; Finding of the Cross (1843); Bishop Otto iu Stettin converting the Wends, Head Studies (2), Stettin Museum. Jordan, (1885), ii. 234; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 9. WACHSMUTH, FERDINAND, born at Miihlhausen, Alsace, March 21, 1802, died at Versailles, Nov. 11, 1869. History and genre painter, pupil of Gros. Accompanied the Orleans princes to Algeria, and was for a time professor in the School of St. Cyr. Medal, 2d class, 1833. Works : Capture of Algiers, View at Staouele (1833, bought by State); Louis XI. and Francis de Paula, Politics of the Bar, Bonaparte at Valence, The Suicide, An Inundation (1833 to 1840); St. Thomas de Villanueva (bought by State), Sutler's Wife in Africa, St. Francis Xavier preaching in India (bought by State), St. Louis de Gonzague (1840 to 1847); Zurba- ran in his Youth, Giorgione (1848); Capture oftheTuileries(1849); Salvator Rosa (1850); Michelangelo in the Medici Garden (1857); The Green Mamelon the Day after its Capt- ure (1859); Siege and Capture of Fort St. Philippe in 1756 (1837), Capture of Fort 1'Empereur in Algiers (1838), Entry of Charles X. into Colmar, Portrait of Due de Luxembourg, and two others, Versailles Museum; Spanish Market, Avignon Muse- um. Bellier, ii. 707; Larousse; Vapereau. WACHTER, EBERHARD GEORG FRIEDRICH VON, born at Balingen, Wur- temberg, Feb. 29, 1762, died in Stuttgart, Aug. 14, 1852. History painter, pupil of Stuttgart Art School, then in Paris of David, whose classical style he abandoned, under the influence of Carstens, in Rome, whither he went in 1789. Having embraced Roman Catholicism, he went in 1798 to Vienna, where he inspired the younger generation of artists, and in 1809 returned to Stuttgart. His compositions are distinguished for po- etical conception, great dignity and noble bearing of the figures, and fine grouping. Works : Job and his Friends, Choice of Hercules, Ship of Life, Bacchus Singing, Combat of Centaurs, The Lion in Florence, The Muse mourning on Ruins of Athens, Bacchus tendering the Cup to Cupid, Eros as Founder of Wedlock, Stuttgart Gallery; Ulysses resisting the Sirens; Belisarius at the Gate of Rome; Women at Christ's Tomb; Finding of Moses; Charon; Anac- reon; Cato the Elder; Cimon in Prison; Andromache at Hector's Um; Death of Socrates; Julius Caesar in the Plain of Troy; Hecuba; Mourning Muse on Ruins of Greece; Pietil. Haakh, Beitrage, 10, 313; N. Necrol. d. D. (1852); Wagner, i. 464. WAEL (Waal), CORNELIS DE, born in Antwerp, Sept. 7, 1592, died in Genoa in 1662. Flemish school; history and battle painter, son and pupil of Hans de Wael (1558-1633); went early in life to Italy, and settled at Genoa before 1625. Painted scenes from military life after the manner of Peter Snayers. Employed by the Duke of Aerschot and Philip III. of Spain. Works : Arrival of the Prince Cardinal at Sint Jo- rispoort, City Hall, Antwerp; The Trinity, Vision of St. John, St. Gertrude's Chapel, St. James's, ib.; Venetian Mountebank, Cas- sel Gallery; Passage through the Red Sea, Vienna Museum; Dentist, Men drinking at Table, Nantes Museum; Peter's Denial, S. -,._ Ambrogio, Genoa; Cavalry Skir- AX/ mish, Palazzo Rosso, ib. Immer- >L Z eel, iii. 212; Kramm, vi. 1818; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 340; Rep. f. K, vi. 244; Rooses (Reber), 409; Van den Branden, 664. WAGENBAUR, MAX JOSEF, born at Markt-Griifing, Bavaria, in 1774, died in Munich, May 12, 1829. Animal and land- scape painter, pupil in Munich of Dorner and Mannlich, and studied nature in the Bavarian Highlands. Member of Berlin, Munich, and Hanau Academies. Court painter and, in 1815, director of the royal galleries. Works : View in Bavarian Alps, Cows at Pasture, National Gallery, Berlin; 400