Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/473

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WASHINGTON background, British ships and boats leaving the shore, and Staten Island in the distance. Painted in 1790 by order of Common Coun- cil. Johnston, Portraits of W. By John Trumbull, Yale College ; canvas, life-size. Washington at Trenton. Full- length, military costume ; in background, an attendant with white horse. Painted in 1791 for city of Charleston, but the citizens preferring one in civil costume, Trumbull painted them another and retained this. A bust portrait by Trumbull, painted in 1793, also in Yale College Gallery. Trumbull painted in 1780 a full-length of Washing- ton, in military costume, for M. de Neuf- ville, Amsterdam, Netherlands ; supposed to be still in Europe. Cabinet portraits of General and Sirs. Washington, painted by Trumbull in 1794, are in the Patent Off- ice, Washington ; and a full-length cabinet, painted in 1790, belongs to Edmund Law Rogers, Baltimore. Johnston, Portraits of W.; Amer. Art Review, ii. 190. By Adolph Ulric Wertmilller, Charles A. Davis, New York. Bust, citizen's dress, with lace frill on shirt. Replicas : Mrs. Come- Ihis Bogart, New York ; office of Secretary of Interior, Washington. Painted in 1795. Johnston, Portraits of W. WASHINGTON, APOTHEOSIS OF, Constantino Jirumidi, canopy of the rotun- da of the Capitol, Washington. In centre, Washington seated in majesty, with God- dess of Liberty on his right and Victory on his left hand ; encircling this group are thirteen female figures, personifying the original States ; and around the border are six groups, emblematic of the Fall of Tyranny, Agriculture, Mechanics, Com- merce, the Marine, and the Arts and Sci- ences. WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DEL- AWARE, Emanuel Leutze, Mrs. Slarshall O. Roberts, New York. The general, wrapped in his military cloak, standing in a theatri- cal attitude in the bow of a boat which men are forcing with oars and boat-hooks through floating blocks of ice. WASHINGTON, RESIGNATION OF, John Trumbull, rotunda of Capitol, Wash- ington ; canvas, H. 12 ft. x 18 ft Washing- ton appearing before Congress at Annapo- lis, Dec. 23, 1783, to resign his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continen- tal Army. Among the spectators are Mrs. Washington and her grandchildren. Paint- ed in 1827 for $8,000. Original study in Yale College Gallery. WATELET, LOUIS ETTENNE, born in Paris, Aug. 25, 1780, died there, June 21, 1866. Landscape painter ; studied nature deeply, and became one of the foremost ar- tists of his class. After having visited Italy in 1822, he began, with his Lake of Nemi, in 1824, a series of exquisite landscapes of realistic character, which won him fame at home and abroad. He was the master of Paul Delaroche, and influenced Troyon, Huet, Lapito, Corot, Aligny, and others. Medals: 2d class, 1818; 1st class, 1819; L. of Honour, 1825. Works : Herdsmen (1810); Napoleon in Ludwigsburg (1815), Versailles Museum ; Henri IV. in the Forest of Ailas (1819), Fontainebleau ; Romantic Landscape (1819), Amiens Museum ; St. Je- rome in the Desert (1822), Louvre ; Lake of Nemi (1824) ; Norman Village (1835) ; Val- ley of Gisors (1840) ; Flight into Egypt (1842), Palais de Saint-Germaiu-en-Laye ; Views in Tyrol (1848, 1850, 1857) ; View of Lyons, Aix Museum ; Landscapes in SIusc- ums of Bordeaux, Montpellier, Nimes, Neu- chatel, KOnigsberg (2, 1835, 1845) ; Rac- zynski Gallery, Berlin (1824). Bellier, ii. 713; Jal, 1296 ; Journal of the Soc. of Arts (18G6) ; Sleyer, Gesch., 732 ; Larousse. WATELIN, LOUIS VICTOR, born in Paris ; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Diaz. Sledal, 3d class, 1876. Works : Artists' Path in Forest of Fontaine- bleau (1870) ; Views in Oise (1873, 1874) ; Mill at Gamaches, Communal Sleadow at Bouvaincourt (1875) ; Road of Lesuette (1876) ; Willows of Bourbel (1877) ; Port of Sevres (1878) ; Views in Gironde, Sornme, Picardy, and Normandy (1878-86).