Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/484

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WEDDING WEDDING UNDER THE DIREC- TORY, Frederik Henclrik Kaemmerer, Jay Gould, New York; canvas. A gay wed- ding-party in the time of the Directory (1795-99), or government of the first French republic. Salon, 1879. Bought originally by Thomas A. Howell, Brooklyn, who sold it to Mr. Gould. WEED GATHERERS, Jules Breton, Comte Duchatel, Paris. Sturdy peasants gathering seaweed. Painted in 1861. One of the painter's most characteristic works. WEEKS, EDWIN LORD, born in Bos- ton in 1849. Landscape and figure paint- er, pupil in Paris of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Bonnat, and Gerome. Sketched and painted in Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, and Tangier, and is particularly noted for pict- ures of Eastern life. Member of the Bos- ton Art Club. Honourable mention, Paris Salon, 1885. Works: Jerusalem from the Bethany Road ; Cup of Coffee ; Pilgrimage to the Jordan ; Scene in Tangier, T. G. Appleton, New York ; Alhambra Windows ; They toil not, neither do they spin ; Arab Story Teller (187G) ; Moorish Camel Driver (1878). WEENIX (Weeninckx), JAN BAPTISTA, born in Amsterdam in 1621, died at Huis ter Mey, near Utrecht, before Oct. 31, 1664 Dutch school ; genre, landscape, and ani- mal painter, pupil of Jan Micker, then of Abraham Bloemart in Utrecht, and of Nico- laas Moeyaert, whom he closely imitated ; went to Rome in 1643, and was employed by Cardinal Pamfili, afterwards Pope Innocent X. After his return in 1647 he lived in Am- sterdam, then at Utrecht, where he appears among the managers of the guild in 1649. He represented equally well historical sub- jects, genre, landscapes, harbours, archi- tecture, and animals, with a warm and pleasing colouring and a free and ingeni- ous touch. Works : Italian Seaport, Fruit- Piece, New York Museum ; Figures among Roman Ruins, Stafford House, London ; Repulse of Pirates, Louvre ; Dutch Lady at Toilet (attributed), Brussels Museum ; Ital- ian Seaport, Antwerp Museum ; do., Copen- hagen Gallery ; Tobias asleep under a Vine (1662), Rotterdam Museum ; Musical Party, Roman Ruins with Shepherd, Brunswick Gallery ; View of Venice, Carlsruhe Gal- lery ; Dogs by Fallen Horse, Partridge and Duck, Fruit-Piece, Cassel Gallery ; Erminia begging for Shelter, Berlin Museum ; Tink- er (1674), Stadel Gallery, Frankfort ; Meet- ing of Jacob and Esau, Hen and Dog, Dres- den Gallery ; Peasants near Antique Ruins, Still-Life, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Carpet Seller, Huntsman with Game (1665?), Sleep- ing Girl with Tambourine, Knife Grinder, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Kitchen Interior, do. (1652), Shepherd Life in the Campagna, Merry Company on Seashore, Schwerin Gal- lery ; Shepherd resting by Antique Monu- ments, Dead Game, Stuttgart Museum ; Sea- port, Museum, Vienna ; Landscapes with Animals, Academy and Czernin Gallery, ib. ; Landscapes (2, one dated 1654), Dead Game Birds (2), Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; Prog- ress of Abraham, Harrach Gallery, ib. ; Ital- ian Landscape with Sheep, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Seaport, Leuchtenberg Gal- lery, ib.; Milking a Goat, Dead Game, Pe- terhof. Ch. Blanc, ficole hollandaise ; Bode, Studien, 174 ; Dohme, lii.; Fetis, Cat. Brus- sels Mus., 495 ; Immerzeel, iii. 223 ; Kramm, vi. 1835 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 453 ; Meyer, Gemalde kongl. Mus., 522 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 379. WEENIX, JAN, born in Amsterdam, Dec., 1640, died there, Sept. 20, 1719. Dutch school ; animal, landscape, still-life, and portrait painter, son and pupil of Jan Bap- tista, and, like him, painted also seaports, architecture, and figures with equal excel- lence. In 1702-12 he painted for the Elector John William, in his Castle Bens- berg, near Cologne, a series of hunting and animal pieces which belong to his most