Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/490

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WEKFF ib.; Repose in Egypt (1706), Grosvenor Gallery, ib. ; A Burgomaster and his Wife, National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Chastity of Joseph (1710), Dancing Nymphs (1718), Nativity (1720), Antiochus and Stratonice (1721), Adam and Eve, Finding of Moses (1722), Magdalen, Group looking at Antique Statues, Louvre ; Flight into Egypt (1710), Portrait (1G89), Hague Museum ; Entomb- ment (1696), Artist's Portrait (1699), Ve- nus and Cupid, Holy Family (1714), Shep- herd and Nymph (1718), Lovers (1694), Amsterdam Museum ; Allegory on Charity (1702), Entombment, Rotterdam Museum ; Holy Family, Pastoral Scene, Flora and Genii, Diana and Endymion, Children Ca- ressing, Genii Hovering, Cassel Gallery ; Chess Players, Dido Mourning (1687), Adam and Eve (1711), Portrait, Brunswick Gal- lery ; Young Girl before Flower Vase, Gal- lery, Copenhagen ; Fall of Man, Adam and Eve after the Fall, Moltke Collection, ib. ; Diana and Callisto, Bamberg Gallery ; Alle- gory of Painting (1710), Darmstadt Muse- um ; Pastoral Scene, Berlin Museum ; do., Artist and Family (1689), Lot and Daughters (1694), Venus and Cupid (1699), Hermit (1705), Magdalen (1711), Judgment of Paris (1712), Infant Christ and John (1715), An- nunciation (1718), Diogenes, Abraham cast- ing off Hagar, Chess Players, Dresden Gal- lery ; Girl and Boys with Bird (1687), Ecce Homo (1698), Sarah conducting Hagar to Abraham (1699), Portraits of Elector John William and Consort (1700), Expulsion of Hagar (1701), Repose in Egypt (1702,) En- tombment (1703), Diana and Callisto (1704), Magdalen Penitent (1705, 1707), sixteen scenes from Life of Christ and the Virgin (1705-15), Allegory (1716), Children playing at Night, Male Portrait, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Temple of Fine Arts (1694), Ve- nus and Cupid, Solomon's Judgment, Por- trait of Grand Duke Don Gaston of Tuscany, Schleissheim Gallery ; Portraits of Artist and his Wife (1679), Game of Chess (1679), Samson and Delilah, Schwerin Gallery ; The Magdalen, Girl playing Guitar, Stuttgart Museum; Gentleman's Portrait (1694), Mu- seum, Vienna ; Entombment, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Christ and the Woman of Sa- maria, Czernin Gallery, ib. ; Woman in Prayer, Boy playing Cards, Schonborn Gal- lery, ib. ; Venus and Cupid, Wiesbaden Gallery ; Artist's Portrait, Engagement Ring (1678), Boy with Cat and Bird, Bathsheba conducting Abishag to David, Entombment (2), Immaculate Conception, Ecce Homo, Magdalen (1720), Adam and Eve chased from Paradise (1700), Holy Family, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg ; Girl Bathing, Leuch- tenberg Gallery, ib. ; Adoration of the Magi (1703), Judgment of Solomon, Uffizi, Flor- ence ; Portrait of Duke of Marlborough, Palazzo Pitti, ib.; CEnone and Paris (1707), Death of Abel, Turin Gallery. Ch. Blanc, cole hollandaise ; Doh- me, lii. ; Immer- zeel, iii. 227 ; Kramm, vi. 1842 ; Kugler, (Crowe), ii. 426 ; Riegel, Beitrilge, ii. 342 ; Schlie, 689 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xvii. 180. WERFF, PffiTER VAN DER, born at Kralinger-Ambacht in 1665, died in Rotter- dam in 1718. Dutch school ; history and genre painter, brother and pupil of Adriaan van der Werff, whom he often assisted in his pictures. While there is milch resem- blance in the colouring of his works to those of Adriaan, they are lacking in feel- ing and spirit. Works : St. Jerome (1710), Girls crowning Statuette of Cupid (1713), Girl drawing Statue of Venus (1715), Young Hercules, Young Bacchus, Amsterdam Muse- um ; Magdalen Penitent, Portrait of Johannes Texelius (1718), do. of himself, two others, Rotterdam Museum ; Madonna with St. John, Boys playing with Birds, Girls with ecit 1721 Flower Festoons, Cassel Gallery ; Girl throw- ing Mouse out of Window, Men at Table, St 422