Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/500

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WTI3TTREDGE of the National Academy, New York, and as- sisted in his studies by Robertson, Trum- bull, Morse, and Dunlap. Professional life passed in New York, with the exception of two winters, 1844-46, in Washington, D. C. Silver medal, National Academy, in 1827. Elected N.A. in 1833. Studio in New York. Works: Silas Wright, City Hall, New York ; Henry Clay addressing the Senate (design for engraving published in 184C) ; Rachel and Bella (1879) ; Family Portrait (1881). WHITTREDGE, WORTHINGTON, born in Springfield, O., May 22, 1820. Land- scape painter, pupil of Andreas Achen- bach in Diisseldorf. Visited Europe in 1850, spent four years in Rome, and travelled thro ugh England, France, Holland, Belgium, and Italy. Returned to New York in 1860, and elected N.A. in 1861. In 1864 sketched in the Rocky Mountains. President of the National Academy in 1874. Studio iu New York. Works : Old Kentucky Home, Coast of Rhode Island (18G7) ; Home by the Sea- side (1872) ; Study of Rocky Mountain As- pens ; Old Hunting-Ground ; In the Bernese Alps, C. P. Huntiugton, New York ; View of Rocky Mountains from the River Platte, Century Club, ib.; Trout Brook, H. G. Marquand, ib.; Window, R. L. Stuart, ib.; Forest Brook, Platte River (1878) ; Catskill Brook (1879) ; On the Plains (1880) ; Old House by the Sea, Nook on the River (1881) ; Twilight on the Hudson, Sunny Day in the Woods (1883) ; Old Road to the Sea, Pool in the Woods, On the Plains Colorado (1884) ; Sunrise over the Sea, -The Old Farm (1885) ; Brook in the Woods, Brook among the Hills (1886). WICAR, JEAN BAPTISTE, born at Lille, Jan. 22, 1762, died in Rome, Feb. 27, 1834. History and portrait painter, pupil of David ; went in 1784 to Florence to make drawings of the works in the gallery, for engraving. In 1793 he became a member of the Paris Conservatory, and in 1796 commissary for the art exploration of Italy. Settled about 1800 in Rome, where he won reputation as a portrait painter ; in 1805 he became a member of the Academy of St. Luke, and from 1807-10 was director of the Academy at Naples. Left his splendid collection of drawings by the old masters to his native city, where they are preserved in the Mu- see Wicar. Works : Portraits of Duke and Duchess Torlonia, of Murat, of Pius VII., of himself, Joseph explaining the Dream (1784), Concordat between Pius and Napo- leon (1806), Youth at Nain (1816), Solo- mon's Judgment, Virgil reading the .ZEneid before Augustus and Livy, Lille Museum ; Resurrection, Themistocles at the House of Admetus, Marriage of Mary, Peter and Paul> Pem ^ & Ca - r _ % reading J-uJftue. to Augustus (1818), Coriolanus ; Ores- tes ; Pylades and Electra. Bellier, ii. 721 ; Dufay, Notice sur la vie de Wicar (Paris, 1844) ; Larousse. WICHMANN, ADOLF, born at Celle, Hanover, March 18, 1820, died in Dresden, Feb. 17, 1866. History and genre painter, pupil of Dresden Academy under Bende- maun ; then studied in Venice and also in Rome (1847-51) after the old masters. Gold medals: Dresden, 1845; Berlin, 1851. Works : Allegory on Music (1845) ; Come Ye that are Heavy Laden (1851) ; Grant- ed Request (1853), New Pinakothek, Mu- nich ; Pietro Aretino reading at Titian's (1865), Dresden Gallery ; Mary and Eliz- abeth watching the Sleeping Infant Christ, Liege Gallery ; Wedding Repast at Frei- burg ; Painters' Festival at Titian's. Kunst- Chronik, i. 23. WICHMANN, OTTO GOTTFRIED, born in Berlin, March 25, 1828, died in Rome, March 17, 1858. Genre painter, pupil of 428