Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/503

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WILBERG the Fountain ; Sixteenth Century ; Pet's First Cake ; John Alden and Priscilla ; Tote- a-Tete, At her Ease (1879) ; Vieux Docu- ment (1884). Portraits: Von Humboldt; Everett ; Sumner ; Agassiz ; Josiah Quincy. Tuckerman, 504. WILBERG, CHRISTIAN, born at Havel- berg, Nov. 20, 1839, died in Paris, June 3, 1882. Architecture and landscape painter, pupil in Berlin of Eduard Pape and of Paul Gropius, then in Ddsseldorf of Oswald Ach- enbach ; made several study trips to Italy (1871-73, 1875-76), Austria, and Southern Germany ; settled in Berlin and won repu- tation, especially by his interiors of Italian churches. Visited Pergamus in 1880. Med- al, Vienna, 1873. Works : Interior of St. Mark's in Venice (several) ; Doge's Palace ; Palazzo Borghese ; Palazzo Colonna ; Tem- ple of Juno Lacinia at Girgenti ; Cappella Palatina in Palermo ; Grotto of Egeria ; Roman Park ; View in Greece, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Bay of Naples, Bay of Baize (1880) ; View of St. Peter's from Villa Pam- fili (1881) ; Memento mori, Dresden Muse- um. Jordan (1885), ii. 243 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, ix. 43 ; xvii. 543, SCO ; xviii. 1, 22 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 349. WILDENS, JAN, born in Antwerp in 1586, died there, Oct. 16, 1653. Flemish school ; landscape painter, pupil of Peter Verhulst ; master of the guild in 1604. Intimate with, and perhaps pupil of, Ru- bens, for whom he painted backgrounds, as well as for Snyders and Diepenbeck. Subjects well chosen, facile brush, good colour, skies and distances light and airy. Rubens made him one of the executors of his will. Van Dyck painted his portrait. Works : View of Antwerp (1636), Amster- dam Museum ; Winter Landscape (1624), Dresden Gallery ; Waters of Spa, Hunt, Gypsy telling Fortunes, Country Scene, Madrid Museum ; Wood Landscape, Bridge- water Gallery, London ; Landscape (Holy Family by Rombouts), Antwerp Museum ; do. (Eliezer and Rebekah by Jordaens), Brussels Museum ; do. (Allegory by Van

>7 J Balen), Corlsruhe Gallery. Ch. Blanc, Ecole flainande ; Immerzeel, 235 ; Kramm, vi 1862 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 298 ; Michiels, viii. 174 ; Rooses (Reber), 261 ; Van den Bran- den, 683. WILES, LEMUEL M., born at Perry, Wyoming County, N. Y., in 1826. Land- scape and figure painter, studied under William Hart, and with J. F. Cropsey in New York. After painting in Washing- ton, Albany, and Utica, he settled in New York in 1863. Sketched in Panama, Cali- fornia, and Colorado in 1873-74. Studio at Ingharn University, Le Roy, N. Y. (1884), where he conducts the department of paint- ing. Works : Mt. San Jacinto ; Vale of Elms, Ingham University ; Reminiscences of Travel 28 small pictures, A. R Froth- ingham, Brooklyn ; Long Pond Seneca Lake, J. C. Lord, New York ; Moonrise, Cardinal McCloskey ; Sunshine and Shad- ow (1879); Panama, Across the Moor (1880); Meadow Lands (1881); Snow-Bouml (1882); Camp of the San Diego Indians (1883) ; St.

Catherine's Window Dryburgh, Albany 

(1884) ; Midwinter (1885) ; Summer-Day Sketch (1886). His son, Irving R Wiles, is a genre and portrait painter in New York. WTT.TTF.TAr OF HERLE. See Meixter Wilhelm. WILKIE, BURIAL OF, Joseph M. W. Turner, National Gallery, London ; canvas, 2 ft. 8 in. square. Entitled Peace : Burial at Sea of the Body of Sir David Wilkie, who died on board the steamer Oriental, off Gib- raltar, on his return from the East, June 1, 1841. Royal Academy, 1842 ; Turner Col- lection. Engraved by J. Cousen ; etched by Brunet-Debaines in Portfolio, 1874. Cat. Nat. Gal. ; Hamerton, Life. WILKIE, Sir DAVID, born at Cults, Fifeshire, Nov. 18, 1785, died in Bay of Gib- raltar, June 1, 1841. Studied in Trustees' Academy, Edinburgh, from 1799 to 1804, and on his return to Cults painted, besides portraits, Pitlessie Fair (1804), and the Vil- 431