Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/505

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WILLAERTS Amsterdam Museum ; Family Group (1659), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Coast Views with Tower (1653, 1662), Brunswick Museum ; Storm near Eocky Coast (1653), Liechten- stein Gallery, Vienna. Immerzeel, iii. 236; Kramm, vi. 1863. WILLAERTS, ADAM, born in Antwerp in 1577, died in Utrecht before 1662. Dutch school ; landscape, marine, and genre painter, especially of coast and harbour scenes, enlivened with numerous character- istic figures ; also burning ships, houses and villages, markets and festive scenes. Mentioned as member of the guild at Utrecht in 1611, among the managers in 1620-37, as still living in 1649, as dead in 1662. Works : Two Sea Battles, Utrecht ; Festival at Tervueren, Antwerp Museum ; Attack of Dutch Fleet in Battle of Gibral- tar (1639), Sea Fight between Spanish and Dutch Galleys, Haarlem Museum ; Mouth of the Meuse (1633), Rotterdam Museum ; Two Sea Battles, Utrecht Museum ; Fight near Coast between the Dutch and Spanish (1641), Copenhagen Gallery ; Embarking of Troops on Dutch Canal (1624), Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Marines in Arenberg Gallery, Brussels ; in Museums and Galleries of Ber- lin (1635), Augsburg, Dresden (1620), Gotha, Frankfort (1638), Madrid (1627), Vienna (Museum, 1631 ; Liechtenstein Gallery, 1616). By his son, Isaac, who was a mem- ber of the guild at Utrecht in 1637, and its dean in 1666, is a River View in the Rotter- I dam Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 235 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 261 ; Kramm, vi. 1863 ; Riegel, Beitrage, ii. 179 ; Rooses (Reber), 419. WILLE, AUGUST VON, born at Cassel in 1829. Landscape painter, pupil of Dtts- seldorf Academy in 1847-53 ; lived for sev- eral years at Weimar, then settled at Diisseldorf ; his pictures are of poetical conception, and well supplied with fine ar- chitecture and many figures, executed with great technical skill. Works : Planning of Erection of Monastery (1859), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Luther's Arrival at the Wart- burg by Moonlight, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Park Landscape ; Elizabeth's Well at the Wartburg ; Gate of the Wart- burg ; Feeding the Dogs ; Woodland Scene with Huntsmen ; Inner Court of the Wart- burg with Luther's Arrival ; Tavern Life in Seventeenth Century ; City Hall at Bingen ; Peasant and Antiquary ; Testing Wine in Convent Cellar ; Street in Marburg ; Burn- ing of Diisseldorf Academy. Dioskuren (1861-65) ; Kunst-Chrouik (1870-77) ; Mul- ler, 558 ; Wiegmann, 383. WILLEBORTS. See Bos^haert. WILLEMS, FLORENT, born at Liege, Jan. 8, 1823. Genre painter, pupil of Mechlin Academy ; studied especially the old Dutch masters, and attracted attention as early as 1840 ; the great success of his picture, exhibited in Paris in 1844, induced him to settle there. Medals : Paris, 3d class, 1844 ; 2d class, 1846 ; 1st class, 1855, 1867, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1853 ; Officer, 1864 ; Commander, 1878 ; Officer of Order of Leopold, 1851. Works : Visit to Young Mother (1844) ; Musical Party ; The Widow ; Visit of ilaria de' Medici to Rubens ; Guard Room ; Woman by Spinning- Wheel (1850), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Auction (1851), Ra- venc Gallery, Berlin ; Three Ages of Man ; Engagement Ring ; Silk Mercer's Shop in 1660 (1855), Napoleon HI; Adorning the Bride, Brussels Museum ; Presentation of the Future, The Widow (1863) ; Going Out, L'Accouchee (1864) ; Aux Annea de Flandre (1877) ; Lady with Lap-Dog, Czer- nin Gallery, Vienna ; Page with Dog, Paint- er before Easel, Museum Fodor, Amster- dam. Works in United States : Victor of Crossbowmen (1844), John G. Johnson, Philadelphia ; J'y etais ! Sealing the Love Letter, Mrs. W. P. Wilstach, ib. ; Judgment of Paris, Mrs. T. A. Scott, ib. ; Good News, W. B. Bement, ib. ; Artist, August Belmout,