Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/513

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WITTE Interior of Gothic Church, Gotha Museum ; ' Landscape with I turns of Aqueduct, Muse- um, Vienna ; Rocky Wood Landscape with Fishermen, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; An- tique Buildings, Turin Gallery. Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers, 143 ; Booses (Beber), 412 ; Van den Branden, 1062. WITTE, PEETEB DE, called Candido, born in Bruges about 1548, died in Munich in 1628. Flemish school ; history painter ; went early to Italy, and in Florence made the acquaintance of Vasari, who took him to Borne and employed him as his assistant there and later in Florence. In 1578 he entered the service of Duke Albert V., and after that prince's death that of William V. of Bavaria. As court painter to the next duke, Maximilian I., he made most of the designs for the decoration of his newly built palace, and painted several ceilings in it. He exerted considerable influence up- on art in Munich. Works: Holy Family adored by Angels, Kuusthalle, Hamburg ; Madonna with Saints, Oldenburg Gallery ; Hunt, Falcon Chase, Fishing, Daughter of Jephtha, two portraits, Schleissheim Gal- lery ; King David playing the Harp, Baron Miuutoli's Collection, Schloss Fridersdorf, Silesia ; Death of St. Ursula, Holy Family, do. with St. Stephen, Vienna Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 244 ; Kramm, vi. 1878 ; Kug- ler (Crowe), i. 242 ; Bee, Peter Candid und seine Werke (Leipsic, 1885). WITTKAMP, JOHAN BEBNABD, born at Biesenbeck, Westphalia, Sept. 29, 1820. History painter, pupil in Rotterdam of Wil- lem Hendrik Schmidt, then of Antwerp Acad- emy under DeKeyser ; visited France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany in 1853. Medals at Brussels (1845), The Hague, Bruges, Lon- don. Honorary Member of Amsterdam and Philadelphia Academies. Works: The Dutch passing the Winter on Nova Zembla in 1596 (1845) ; The Jailer (1850), Ghent Mu- seum ; Arrival of Hugo Grotius at Bostock (1851) ; Return of the Dutch from Nova Zembla (1854) ; King Lear ; Borneo and Juliet ; John Parricida's Flight over the Alps; The Women of Crcveccour (1857); Cruelty of Duke Adolphus of Gueldres to his Father (1860); Parisina (after Byron, 1876). D. Kunstbl., 1852, 1853; Mttller, 563. WITTMEB, JOHANN MICHAEL, bom at Murnau, Bavaria, Oct. 15, 1802, died in Rome, May 9, 1880. History painter, pu- pil of the Munich Academy under Longer ; went in 1828 to Borne, whence he visited Naples in 1831, and accompanied the Crown Prince Max in 1833 on a tour to Naples, Sicily, Malta, Corfh, Greece, Constantino- ple, and Smyrna. He lived afterwards alto- gether in Borne, but visited Germany in 1844 and 1858. Works : Christ Crucified (1826); Two Altarpieces (1827) ; Bebekah at the Well, Burial of St. Catherine (1828); Hngar (1829) ; Healing of the Blind (1830) ; Sweet Waters in Asia (1835) ; ^Esop telling his Fables ; Autiochus and Stratonice, Homer, Flight into Egypt, Six Oriental Views, Cof- fee-House in Smyrna, Birth of St. John (1843) ; Procession of Pius IX. to the Lateran (1846) ; Blessing the Children (1848) ; Ma- donna (1849); Coronation of Virgin (1858); St. Ann with Virgin, St. Joseph, St. Igna- tius (1861); Maria Immaculata (1866); Bur- ial of St. Catherine (1851), Birth of St. John (1862), Adoration of the Shepherds, New Pinakothek, Munich. Andresen, ii. 288 ; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 627 ; xxi. 218 ; Cotta's Kunstbl., 1829^3. WLEUGHELS, NICOLAS, bom in Paris, baptized Dec. 11, 1668, died in Rome, Dec. 5, 1737. Flemish and French schools; his- tory and genre painter, son and pupil of Philippe Wleughels (born at Antwerp about 1622, died in Paris, buried March 23, 1694, pupil of Cornelis Schut) ; then studied un- der Pierre Mignard, went to Italy in 1694, and after a sojourn of two years in Borne and Venice returned to Paris, where he was received into the Academy in 1716. Ap- pointed director of the French Academy in Borne in 1724, and while there made chev- alier of the Order of Saint Michel. He was very intimate with Watteau, and his works 441