Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/521

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WOUTERS with water-colours as Austrians, making the picture an episode of Solferino. On return- ing the canvas to Mr. Hawk, these water- colours were washed away, and the picture remains now as originally painted. Art Treasures of America, ii. 25. WOUTERS, FRANS, born at Lierre, Brabant, baptized Oct. 2, 1612, died in Ant- werp in 1659. Flemish school ; history and landscape painter, pupil of Pieter van Avont and of Rubens ; master of Antwerp guild in 1634 ; went soon after to Germany, where we find him in 1637 as court painter to Fer- dinand tt, with whose ambassador he went to England and there became painter to the Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles H.; had returned to Antwerp in 1641, and was dean of the guild in 1649. Works : Dance of Amorettes, Hampton Court Gallery ; Pro- metheus Bound, Nude Figure with Gar- land, Lille Museum ; Venus and Adonis, Copenhagen Gallery ; Sacrifice to Priapus, Royal Palace, Berlin ; Two Landscapes, Cas- sel Gallery ; Conflagration in Dutch City, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Rape of Europa, Gotha Museum ; Diana Hunting (1630), Vi- enna Museum. The two pictures, in the same museum, representing St. Joachim and St. Joseph, formerly ascribed to him, are by Magdalena Woutiers, of Mous, Hainault, who ' flourished in the first half of the 17th cen- tury. Immerzeel, iii. 248 ; Michiels, viii. 192 ; Rooses (Reber), 319 ; Van den Bran- den, 805. WOUWERMAN (Wouverman), JAN, born in Haarlem, baptized Oct. 30, 1629, died there, buried Dec. 1, 1666. Dutch school ; landscape painter, brother of Phil- ips Wouwerman, entered Haarlem guild in 1655. He painted hilly landscapes, views of canals, and wide plains, with strong colour- ing and light effects, and enlivened them by figures and animals. Very few of his pictures exist, and several are probably at- tributed to Jan Wynants, whose manner his own closely resembles. Works : Landscape with Horsemen, Arenberg Gallery, Brus- sels ; View in Haarlem, Haarlem Muse- um ; Hilly Landscape, Rotterdam Museum ; Rocky Ravine with Figures, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; The Halt, New York Mu- seum. Burger, Mus6es, ii. 303 ; Dohme, Iii.; Van der Willigen, 341. WOUWERMAN, PHILIPS, born in Haar- lem, baptized May 24, 1619, died there, May 19, 1668. Dutch school; land- scape, genre, and animal painter, first instructed by his father Pau- wels Joosten, then pupil of Jan Wynants, whose influence is traceable in his backgrounds. He introduced groups of horses, hunts, sol- diers, in the manner of Pieter van Laer, but with far more variety. His figures and ani- mals are well drawn and animated, and the general tone is tender and harmonious. He painted nearly eight hundred pictures, including many repetitions of the same motive. In his first style the brown tone, heavy race of horses, and angular drawing of figures remind one of Pieter van Laer. His second style is distinguished by the pure golden tone and slender build of horses, and the third by the prevalence of a dull silvery tone. Works : Belle Laitiere, Interior of Stable, Fishwomen on Seashore, Gathering Faggots, Landscape, Stag Hunt, Skirmish, Two Vedettes on Watch, National Gallery, London ; Two Horsemen and Lady, Coup de Pistolet, Farmer attacked by Robbers, Hawking Party, sis others, Buckingham Palace, ib.; three in Bridgewater Gallery, ib. ; Ferine au Colombier, four others, Lord Ashburton, ib. ; Hawking Party, Huntsmen halting before Inn, Mr. Hope, ib. ; Horse- Fair, Grosvenor Gallery, ib. ; Horseman with Hounds, Inn with Tents, Mr. Baring, ib.; Racing for the Herring, four others, Mr. Holford, ib.; Riding Party, Hawking Party, Alfred de Rothschild, ib. ; Woman and Child