Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/555

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SUPPLEMENT DIX, CHARLES TEMPLE, born in Al- bany, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1838, died in Rome, March, 1872. Landscape and marine paint- er ; served in the civil war on the staff of his father, General John A. Dix, and at its close went to study in Rome, where he re- mained until his decease. Works : Phantom Ship ; View of Gibraltar ; Sunset at Capri ; Sark Channel Islands ; Coast Scene (1871).

  • DOREUR, LE. Add to bibliography:

Jal, 1046.

  • DUBUFE, EDOUARD. Add to works :

Love's Diversion (1860), Circassian Girl (1867), Lady and Parrot (1871), Prodigal Son (1867), A. T. Stewart Collection, New York. The Prodigal Son, the study of the larger picture (Exposition universelle, Paris, 1878, burned iu Cincinnati a few years later), is in three parts in one frame : cen- tre, H. 4 ft. x 7 ft. 6 in.; wings, each, H. 4 ft. x 1 ft. 4 in.

  • DUPRfi, JULES. At the Morgan sale,

New York, 1886, were sold the following : Stormy Weather, $1,700 ; Driving Cows to Water, $1,850 ; Cloudy Day, $2,500 ; Morn- ing, $8,050 ; A Symphony, $8,100.

  • DUPRE LEON VICTOR, died in Paris,

Nov. 1, 1879. L' Art (1879), iv. 168. DURANGEL, LEOPOLD VICTOR, born at Marseilles ; contemporary. History and portrait painter, pupil of Horace Vernet and of Ferdinand Wachsmuth. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : Deposition from the Cross (1878) ; Providence (1879) ; Jesus Dead on the Cross, Butterflies Decorative Panel (1880) ; Olive Harvest (1881) ; The Flute Prize (1882) ; The Fish and the Shepherd that plays the Flute, Omnis Homo (1885) ; Resignation (1886). ERDTELT, ALOIS, genre painter in Munich ; contemporary. Gold medal, Ber- lin, 1886. Works : Genre Scene, Two Por- traits (Munich Exhibition, 1883) ; At the Tailor's, Portrait of the Artist, do. of his Father (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). FAIVRE, LEON MAXIME, born in Paris ; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Gerome and of Boulanger. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works : Interior of Gt-rome's Studio (1877) ; Derniere victoire ! (1880) ; William the Conqueror (1881) ; La muse au cabaret (1882) ; Female Portrait (1884); An Invader in the Stone Age (1885) ; Surprised by the Tide (1886). FERRY, JULES, born at Bordeaux, France, Jan. 1, 1844. History and genre painter, pupil of John Lewis Brown and of Alexandra Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : Astyanax thrown from the Walls of Troy by order of Ulysses (1869) ; Game Seller (1870) ; Return from Hunting (1873) ; Hallali of the Wild Boar (1876) ; Recall of Dogs from Boar Chase (1879) ; The Guard's Breakfast (1880) ; Market Day Road to Evreux (1884) ; Diana at the Bath (1886).

  • FILDES, (SAMUEL) LUKE, elected

R.A., 1887. Add to works : The Flower Girl, A Daughter of the Lagoons (1886). FIRLE, WALTHER, genre painter in Munich ; contemporary. Gold medal, Ber- lin, 1886. Works : Morning Devotions in Dutch Orphanage, Sunday School (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886).

the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, were sold

the following : Italian Woman (water-col- our), $450 ; Spanish Lady with Fan (water- colour), $575 ; The Rare Vase (1870, water- colour, J. W. Wilson sale, Paris, 1881), $7,100. FOURIE, ALBERT, born in Paris ; con- temporary. Genre painter, pupil of Jean Paul Laurens and of Gautherin. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works : Recreation in the Cloister (1879) ; Judith, A Numismatist (1881) ; Etienne Marcel and the Dauphin (1882) ; First Communion at Crosne (1884) ; Last Mourning (1885) ; A Fete-Day (1886).


stead of Medal, 2d class, 1848; Medal, 1865, read : Medal, 3d class, 1883.

  • FRERE, (PIERRE) EDOUARD, died at

Ecouen, May 23, 1886. Athenaeum (1886), i. 723. FRIESE, RICHARD, born at Hamburg, Germany ; contemporary. Animal painter, 479