Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/56

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REMBRANDT and Wife, Portraits of Berghem and "Wife, Landscape, Grosvenor House ; Rembrandt's Mill, Marquis of Lansdowne ; Male Portrait, St. John Preaching, Lord Dudley ; Old Wom- an, Landscape, Lord Overstone ; Feast of Belshazzar, Lord Derby ; Tribute Money, Interior with Figures, Hope Collection ; Daniel before Nebuchadnezzar, Lord Scars- dale ; Standard-Bearer, Lord Warwick ; Bust of a Young Man (1632), Girl at Window (1645), Dulwich Gallery; Jewish Eabbi, Turin Gallery ; Old Man, Portrait of Rem- brandt, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Cottage Interior, Landscape, Uffizi, Florence ; Le Doreur (1640), William Schaus, New York. Ch. Blanc, L'CEuvre complet de R. (Paris, 1880); Dutuit, 1880); Amand- /~~^ , f Durand, CEuvre C/Te/m wcunat de R - (Paris, " 1880); Scheltema, Eembrandt (Par- is, 1866); Mollett, Rembrandt (London, 1882); Vosmaer, Rem- brandt (2d ed., 1877) ; Bode, Studien, 24, 29, 354, 359-611, 617; Burger, Trt-sors d'Art (3d ed., 1855), 244 ; Waagen, Treas- ures ; Eug. Fromentin, les Maitres d'Autre- fois ; Immerzeel, iii. 9 ; Jal, 1046 ; Kramm, v. 1346 ; vii. 122 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 363 ; Middleton, Descriptive Catalogue ; Richter, Dulwich Cat.; Riegel, Beitriige, i. 67, 73, 88, 133, 146, 154 ; ii. 232, 265, 273 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1885), xxxii. 328, 498 ; Graph. K, iii. 49 ; Kunst-Chronik, xii. 425, 457, 571, 697, 785 ; xvii. 267 ; xviii. 473 ; xix. 10 ; xxi. 705 ; Les Lettres et les Arts, i. 91 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, i. 192 ; iv. 101, 159 ; v. 169, 237, 304 ; viii. 16, 145, 190, 234, 267, 343 ; x. 319 (Mittheilungen, iii. 37) ; xi. 125, 222 (Mit- theilungen, iv. 42) ; xii. 32, 322 ; xiii. 224 ; xvii. 58, 386 ; xix. 30. REMBRANDT, portraits, Rembrandt. There are more than forty portraits by him- self, representing himself at different ages and with various accessories. Among those in public galleries are : Louvre (4, 1633, 1634, 1637, 1660) ; National Gallery, Lon- don (2, 1640, and about 1664) ; Dresden, (1657) ; Cassel (4) ; Hague (2) ; Carlsruhe ; Brunswick ; Gotha ; Nuremberg ; Berlin (2, 1634, and about 1634-35); Vienna (2, about 1658, and 1666-68) ; Naples ; Uffizi, Flor- ence (2); Palazzo Pitti, ib. (2); Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (1650) ; Dulwich Gal- lery (1632) ; Buckingham Palace (about 1642) ; Lord Ashburton (old age) ; Bridge- water House (about 1657) ; Lansdowne House (old age) ; Grosvenor House (1630) ; Sir Richard Wallace (3, one dated 1643) ; Earl of Leconfield ; Earl of Portarlington ; Earl of Kinnaird ; Duke of Bedford ; Duke of Buccleugh ; Lord Caledon ; M. Secretan, Paris. Bode, Studien ; Vosmaer, Rem- brandt ; Smith, Cat. Raisonnee. REMBRANDT AND HIS FAMILY, Rem- brandt, Brunswick Gallery ; H. 4 ft. 4 in. x 5 ft. 9 in.; signed. A lady seated, with a child on her lap, while two little girls of five and seven stand beside her ; at left, stand- ing, a man with brown hair and moustaches, giving a flower to one of the girls. The same persons as those represented in the Jewish Bride. Mollett, Rembrandt, 73 ; Vosmaer, 301, 491. REMBRANDT'S MILL, Rembrandt, Mar- quis of Lansdowne, Bowood ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. 2 in. A mill and a house in a landscape, with water below and figures ; background, a luminous evening sky, with dark rain-clouds. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 157. REMY, MARIE, born in Berlin, Nov. 21, 1829. Flower painter, daughter and pupil of the history and portrait painter, August Remy, then studied with Hermine Stilke, and Theude Gronland ; visited England, Paris, Switzerland, Tyrol, and Italy. Works : Italian Flowers and Fruits (26), National Gallery, Berlin. Miiller, 435. RENARD, EMELE, born at Sevres ; con- temporary. Landscape, genre, and portrait 24