Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/66

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REYNOLDS of Hamilton; Lady Caroline Fox (1758), Lady Holland; Hon. John Byron (1759), W. Byron, Esq.; 1st Marquis of Hertford (1759), Marquis of Hertford ; Earl of Sus- sex (1759), Lord Donington ; Marchioness of Tavistoek (1759), Earl of Albemarle ; Duchess of Gloucester (1759), Earl Walde- grave ; Lady Selina Hastings (1759), Lord Douington ; Venus and Cupid (1759), Lord Castletown ; 2 Portraits of Admiral Keppel (1860-G5), Lord Albemarle ; Miss Jacobs (1761), Marquis of Hertford ; Countess Waldegrave, Earl Waldegrave (17G1), Lord Carlingford; Lord Erroll (1763), Earl of Erroll ; Miss Abington as Miss Prue (1764), Sir Charles Mills ; Master T. Lisker (1764), Lord Eibblesdale ; Mrs. Collyer as Lesbia (1764), Sir W. Knighton ; Lady Ann Stan- hope (1765-66), Earl of Mesborough ; Earl of Pembroke and Son (1765), Earl of Pem- broke ; Lord Borringdon (1766?), Earl of Morley ; Warren Hastings (1766), Lord Northwick ; Marquis of Eockingham and his Secretary, Edmund Burke (1766), Sir Frederick Leigh ton, P.E.A.; Eev. Zachariah Mudge (17G6), Mrs. Gwatkin ; 2 Portraits of Sir Joshua's Black Servant (1767?), Et. Hon. George Cavendish Bentinck, and Sir George Beaumont ; Et. Hon. Sir John Cart (1767), Lord Brownlow ; Crossing the Brook (1767), Mrs. Buchanan Eiddell ; Lord Am- herst (1768 ?), Hon. Paive C. Glyn ; Garrick as Kitely (1768), L. Huth, Esq.; Duchess of Devonshire (1769), Earl Spencer ; Por- trait of Sir Joshua (1770), Dilettanti Soci- ety ; Mrs. Pelham (1770), Earl of Yarbor- ough ; Lord George Seymour (1770), Hon. G. S. Conway ; Miss Palmer (1770), G. W. Currie, Esq.; Bartolozzi (1771), Earl of Morley ; Venus chiding Cupid (1771), Earl Northbrook ; Duchess of Buccleuch and her Child (1772), Duke of Buccleuch ; Strawberry Girl (1773), Col. Copley Wray ; repetitions, Sir E. Wallace and Marquis of Lansdowne ; Nymph and Young Bacchus (1773), I. Bent- ley ; Lady Borringdon and her Sou (1773), Earl of Morley ; Joseph Baretti (1774), Lady Holland ; Mrs. Morris (1775), W. B. Beau- mont, Esq.; Infant St. John (1776), Sir Watkin W. Wynn ; 2d Earl of Spencer (1776), Earl Spencer; Lord Porchester as Infant Bacchus (1776), Earl of Carnarvon ; Young Fortune-Tetter (1777 ?), Duke of Marl- borough ; Countess of Powis (1777), Earl of Powis ; Two Groups of Members of Dilet- tanti Society (1777-79), Dilettanti Society ; Ariadne (1778), Th. Evans, Esq.; Earl of Dalkeith (1778), Duke of Buccleuch ; Lady Beaumont (1779), Sir G. Beaumont ; The Gleaners (1780), Eobert Gosling, Esq. ; Lord Cavendish (1780), Duke of Devon- shire ; Portrait of Sir Joshua (1780), Eoyal Academy ; Prince William Frederick (1780), Trinity Collection ; Miss Nesbitt as Circe (1781), Lady Stanley of Alderley ; The Three Ladies Waldegrave (1781), Lord Car- lingford ; Mrs. Thrale and her Daughter (1781), Lady Ashburton ; Hon. Mrs. Beck- ford (1782?); W. Beckford, M P. (1782), Duke of Hamilton ; Calling of Samuel (1782), Earl of Darnley ; Countess Spencer, Bich- ard Burke (1782), Earl Spencer ; Sir Abra- ham Hume (1783 ?), Earl Brownlow ; Miss Fanny Kemble (1783), Et. Hon. George Cavendish Beutinck ; Countess of Erroll (1783), Earl of Erroll; Infant Academy (1783), Lord Mount Temple; Girl with Dead Dove, Lord Houghton ; Marchioness of Thomond (1784), Mrs. Gwatkin; Lady Spencer and Child (1784), Earl Spencer ; Muscipula (1784), Lady Holland ; Lady Or- mond, Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse (1784), Grosvenor House ; Adoration of the Shepherds (1785), Earl Fitzwilliam ; Duch- ess of Devonshire and her Child (1786), Duke of Devonshire ; Dr. Johnson (1786), Ch. Morrison, Esq.; Lady Cornwall (1786), Miss A. Duff Gordon ; Lady Anne Bingham (1786), Earl Spencer ; Felina (1787), Earl of Feversham ; Sir George Beaumont (1787), Sir G. Beaumont ; Miss Gwatkin as Sim- plicity (1788), E. F. Watson, Esq.; Portrait of Sir Joshua (1788), Mrs. Gwatkin ; Guard- ian Angel, Portrait of Sir Joshua (1788), Duke of Leeds ; Babes in the Wood (1788), H. N. Pym, Esq.; Infant Hercules (1788), 34