Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/69

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HIBERA RIBEEA, ROMAN; contemporary. Genre painter. Works : Popular Paris Types, Vengan Penas ! Unforeseen Case, At the Theatre (1883); At Break of Day (1884). La Ilustracion (1883), L 26, 91, 210, 362 ; (1884), i. 26. RIBERA Y FERNANDEZ, Don JUAN ANTONIO, born in Madrid, May 17, 1779, died there, June 15, 1860. History and portrait painter, pupil of Bayeu, and of San Fernando Academy, then in Paris of David ; afterwards went to Rome and in 1811 be- came court painter to Charles IV. and mem- ber of Accademia di S. Luca ; in 1820 hon- orary member of Academia S. Fernando ; lived at Navalcarnero from 1835, became professor in 1838, and afterwards second director of the Madrid Museum. Works : Cincinuatus, Wamba, Allegories of Summer, Autumn, Evening, Night, Madrid Museum ; St. Ferdinand surrounded by Famous Span- iards, Royal Palace, Madrid ; Paradise of Great Spaniards ; Christ crowned with Thorns, Resurrection, Aranjuez ; Portrait of Cardinal Ingranzo, Toledo Cathedral ; do. of Sculptor Jose- Alvarez. RIBOT, (AUGUSTIN) born at Breteuil (Eure), Aug. 8, 1823. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Glaize. Style vig- orous, realistic, and somewhat coarse. Medals: 1864,1865; 3d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1878. Works : Cooks at Dinner Time, Merry Cook, Chickens Roosting (1861) ; Rooster's Song, Tinsmiths (1864) ; St. Sebastian (1865), Christ and the Doctors (1866), Luxem- bourg Museum ; Torture (1867), Rouen Museum ; Philosophers ; Lawyers and the Oyster (1868) ; Good Samaritan (1870), Luxembourg Museum ; Old Man (1882) ; Parchments, Artist's Daughter (1884); Pere Bresteau, Marie (1886) ; Artist's Children, Col. Erwin Davis, Now York. L'Art (1880), XXL 127 ; Bellier, ii. 370 ; Claretio (1874), 62, 110 ; Gaz. des 13. Arts (1869), L 500. RICARD, GUSTAVE, born at Marseilles, Sept. 1, 1823, died in Paris, Jan. 23, 1872. Portrait painter, pupil of Cogniet ; took the great colourists of the Italian school and Van Dyck for his models. He excelled in rendering individual characteristica Med- als : 2d class, 1851 ; 1st class, 1852. Works : Madame Sabatier (1850) ; Marshal Comte Harispe, Versailles Museum ; Diodore Rn- hoult, painter, Grenoble Museum ; milo Loubon, painter, Marseilles Museum ; Male Portrait, Moutpellier Museum ; do., and Artist's Portrait, Luxembourg Museum. Bellier, ii. 371 ; Meyer, Gesch., 386. RICCI, CAMILLO, bom at Ferrara in 1580, died there in 1618. Lombard school ; pupil and assistant of Scarsellino, whose manner ho followed so exactly that his works are sometimes confounded with his master's. Although he died young ho left enough pictures of merit to insure him on honourable place among his countrymen. Lanzi, iii. 209 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole ferrar- aise. RICCI, MARCO, born at Bellunoin 1679, died in Venice in 1729. Venetian school ; nephew, pupil, and associate of Scbastiano Ricci, whom he accompanied in 1710 to France and England, where he painted landscapes and architecture pieces, to bo found in many collections. Though seldom without merit, these are little more than studies, executed, like the pictures of his uncle, in a slight and hasty way. In the Dresden Museum are ten of his landscapes. In Vienna: Landscape with Baptism of Christ, Museum ; Two Landscapes, Liech- tenstein Gallery. Ch. Blanc, Ecole vi'niti- enne ; Bartsch, xxi. 312. RICCI, SEBASTIANO, born at Cividale di Belluno in 1659, died in Venice, May 15, 1734. Venetian school ; pupil in Venice of f